How to Plant Parsley At Home


Little by little as consumers we are becoming more and more aware of the origin of the food products that we acquire. Organic crops have become fashionable despite being much more expensive than other crops. This responds to the concern that we referred to earlier.  Most of the vegetables and vegetables that we buy in stores and supermarkets have been treated with chemicals and even if we wash them thoroughly several times, there are always small traces of them.

In the long run, these chemicals that we consume every day can take their toll on us by developing allergies or digestive diseases and ailments. For this reason, it is advisable to opt for products of organic origin. As we have just mentioned, these products are usually more expensive since the cultivation procedure is slower and more expensive. That is why it is a good idea to start planting some plants and vegetables in our own homes.

In this way we make sure that they have not been exposed to any chemical and we save a considerable amount of money. In addition, planting parsley at home is a very fun operation that you can do with the little ones in the house, since they usually enjoy this type of activity. Planting parsley is a very quick and easy operation. The plant withstands various climatic conditions very well and grows quite strong in any environment, requiring only minimal care.

Planting parsley at home will also allow you to always have fresh parsley to prepare your favorite stews and meals. If you want to know how to plant parsley continue reading, below we will explain all the aspects to take into account.

What do you need to plant parsley at home?

  • Parsley seeds
  • A place with light
  • Clay pot

Instructions for planting parsley at home

  1. The first step you must take when planting parsley is to choose the type of variety you prefer. There are many types of parsley. The two most common are the curly blade and the flat blade. Both require the same types of care, so when making your choice you should not be guided by the specific needs of the plant but by your palate. Flat-leaf parsley, also known as Italian parsley, has a stronger flavor than the other so it will add more personality to your meals. If you prefer a milder flavor, it is better that you opt for the curly leaf.
  2. Select a place with lots of light to plant it. Parsley is a plant that requires a lot of light.  Ideally, you should plant it outside: in a garden, on a balcony, or on a window sill. If you can’t do it in any of these places, don’t worry, plant them indoors but make sure they are close to a window to receive all the light they need to grow.
  3. Get a pot, if possible clay. The ideal is to use a pot of this material because it allows better filtering of the water and prevents the plant from getting waterlogged. If you don’t have a clay pot, use one made of a different material, but make sure it has a good drainage system.
  4. Put soil inside the pot. For parsley to grow faster and stronger, the soil must be very well oxygenated. Make sure you aerate it well by stirring it up with a garden trowel. In the absence of this tool you can use a common spoon. Add natural fertilizer, such as moss, to the soil.
  5. Now you need to take care of preparing the parsley As you may have noticed when observing them, they are very hard and strong seeds. To soften them a bit and make the plant sprout more easily, leave them soaked in acute water for about twelve hours.  Ideally, the water should be lukewarm, at least initially, but make sure it’s not too hot as that will spoil the sprouts. Once the twelve hours have passed, take them out of the acute and let them dry. This operation can take several hours and will depend, to a large extent, on the humidity in the environment. It is possible that during the drying phase some seeds already start to germinate.
  6. When the seeds are completely dry you can start planting them in the pot. Make small holes, place the seeds inside and cover the holes.
  7. You can perform this operation at any time of the year. Parsley does not have an ideal planting time and grows perfectly throughout the year. You just have to make sure that you do not plant it on the coldest or hottest days of the year.
  8. Water often. You must water frequently but with very little water. You have to try to make sure that the soil is always moist but that it is not waterlogged. If we water too much and the soil is waterlogged, the shoots will rot and will not grow.
  9. Don’t despair. Parsley has a very slow germination which means that for several days you will not see any trace of the plant. You shouldn’t worry. In the first moments the whole process happens underground. Wait a few days and you will begin to distinguish the first shoots.
  10. You should not let flowers come out since then we could not use the parsley for consumption. Pluck the flowers as soon as they start to come out.
  11. Watch for weeds. Even if you have planted your seeds in a pot with “clean soil”, it is very possible that some weeds will come out. This happens because the seeds can be airborne or because they were included in the soil you used. You must pay attention to possible weeds and pull them out from the first moment.
  12. You can start harvesting parsley within two to three months of planting it. You’ll know when it’s time because the plant will start to look very bushy and the leaves will start to appear together three by three.
  13. You can harvest parsley at any time of the day, even while you’re cooking, although ideally first thing in the morning. What you have to make sure of is that you take the leaves that are lower and closer to the ground. If you cut the upper leaves, what you will be doing is preventing the growth and development of the plant and you will end up exhausting it.

Tips for planting parsley at home

  • Parsley is a very strong plant that requires little care, but you must remember to always keep it in a place where it receives a lot of light.


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