How to Plant Tomatoes in a Pot


In the world of tomatoes there has always been controversy in categorizing it. It is not very clear if it is a fruit, a vegetable or a vegetable. The last category may be the one you are most pigeonholed into, but it is the wrong one. A tomato is a fruit, since according to the definition of this it is the part of the plant that contains the seed. And what does the tomato contain? Well, seeds, so the doubt would remain by saying that it are a fruit.

So if you are passionate about fruit and more specifically about tomatoes, the best thing you can do is produce it yourself. Its cultivation is very simple, so it can be done whether you have a garden or in your own home in a smaller space.

Instructions for planting tomatoes in a pot

  1. To plant anything, the first thing that is needed is the seed of what we want to plant, in this case tomatoes. We go to the supermarket or greengrocer and buy some tomatoes.  We select the ones that are more mature, cut them in half and extract the seeds they have along with the liquid. For several days we will leave the tomato liquid together with the seeds so that they rest and ferment and their qualities are more favorable for the growth of new tomatoes. If you prefer to save this process, you can also buy the seeds.
  2. Substrate. Once we have the seeds, the other important part is the soil, the substrate in which we are going to plant them. You can go to a store and buy it, or if you have a small garden, take advantage of the land you have in it.
  3. Flower pot. For the seeds to grow they need to be in a pot. Therefore, choose one with a size according to the number of seeds you are going to plant. If there are only a couple, it does not need to be very large, however if you want to grow many tomatoes, increase the size of the pot so that the roots can grow without problems. Now made the soil you have in the pot.
  4. Let’s do it. When the seeds have already fermented, we will remove them from the juice and put them in the soil that will be in the pot, or in the case of the garden, in the soil itself. Don’t put them too deep in the pot, but don’t put them too far on the outside either.
  5. Water it. It is very important that you keep your seeds watered regularly. The amount of water will depend on the container that you have to see. Never overdo it because you’ll drown the plant, but don’t be lacking either because you’ll kill it with thirst. If you are waiting to water it every two or three days, but you take a look and see that the soil is very dry, add more water. Depending on the ambient temperature, the soil can dry out sooner and it is necessary to water it regularly, but the tomato usually needs a lot of water.
  6. Place it in a place with good air conditioning, neither too hot nor too cold and that has enough space around it in case it starts to grow so that the stems are not oppressed by what may be around them.
  7. Take care of her be very aware, you cannot neglect your plant because then it will never grow.
  8. Transplant it. In the event that the tomatoes have grown too much and the pot has become too small, what you should do is transplant it. To do this you must buy a larger pot and, turning the current pot upside down and hitting its base, we will remove the inside of the pot, that is, all the soil together with the seeds and their roots. We will introduce that in the new pot and we will cover the excess with more soil, we will water it and we will leave it again in a well acclimatized place.

Tips for Planting Tomatoes in a Pot

  • Holes. It is important that the pot or container in which you plant the seeds has holes in the bottom of it. This serves so that the earth breathes and so that when we water it, if we have gone too far, the water is expelled through a hole.
  • Winter. The best time to plant tomatoes in Spain is between January and March, so you can take advantage of these months. In case you do it in a small pot at home, this is not so binding.
  • Be patient. A tomato will not grow from a seed overnight. Be patient and persistent in taking care of it. If you go on a trip, for example, do not leave it at home without anyone to take care of it, because due to its need to be hydrated every day, when you return it is very likely that there will be nothing left.
  • Repeat. If it has grown and has not evolved or if it has not even created roots, it is because you have done something wrong. Find out what happened and start the process again, this time paying attention to the step you failed so you don’t do it again.

What do you need to plant tomatoes in a pot?

  • Seeds
  • Flower pot
  • Land
  • Water
  • good air conditioning
  • Vegetable garden


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