How to Take Care of a Ficus Benjamina


The Ficus Benjamina is one of the most common plants in homes in this country; this plant is perfect for homes as it is capable of withstanding hot and cold conditions, high humidity conditions and conditions where there is hardly any light.

But like all plants, specific care is required for your plant to be in perfect condition,  since poor care could cause premature leaf drop, discoloration of the leaves or even premature death of the plant if negligence in care is very serious.

Fallen leaves will give a very bad image in your home mainly because we are always eager to show well-cared for plants and a Ficus without leaves looks like a dead and depressing tree. In addition, people will believe that you are a messy and careless person who is not responsible.

What do you need to take care of a Ficus Benjamina?

  • Ficus Benjamina
  • Manure and fertilizer
  • Water and spray.
  • Land

Instructions for caring for a Ficus Benjamina

  1. Watering: We recommend that you do not water more than 3 times a week on hot days and 1 time a week on cold days. The Ficus Benjamina does not need too much water and if you go too far with the amount you could drown the plant and end its life, do it with the spray on the leaves and pour a little water directly on the ground. The best indicator that you have to water is the soil, if you see that it is too dry, it is time to do it. It also prevents stagnant water from accumulating as it could kill the roots of our beloved plant.
  2. Light and temperature: The Ficus Benjamina is prepared to withstand somewhat adverse conditions, but try to make it live in good conditions to extend its life. The light must be diffused, that is to say, that of light but not that of the sun directly since this is what turns the leaves yellow, instead if there is 0 lights the leaves will fall. As for the temperature, they endure from 10 to 25 degrees , in the summer if it is too hot, give it a little water to refresh and in winter if it is cold you can give it a little heat with a lamp but without going overboard.
  3. Subscriber and Fertilization: The Ficus need fertilizer, since they need the soil to contain the necessary nutrients for a better uptake of them. Use fertilizer every 15 days in spring, the fertilizer must be the one indicated for this type of plants, ask the garden store. To fertilize it is advisable to do it in spring and summer, which is when the plant grows twice a month.
  4. Wind: These plants do not tolerate air well, so keep them away from the windows of your house and in the rooms of the house where you have the plant, avoid opening the windows on days where a lot of air rises and of course avoid fans and air conditioners.

Tips for caring for a Ficus Benjamina

  • Transplant: The Ficus Benjamina is a plant that grows, it does not get too big but we must transplant it when it gets too big for our pot. To find out how to transplant another plant, visit the article in this same section, How to transplant indoor plants, in which I will give you advice on the type of pot to use, the care to take into account and the types of plants most likely to transplant, In this article you will have everything you need to transplant a focus benjamina.
  • Surveillance and common sense: These plants require a look from time to time to check that there is no problem related to their care, for example if the leaves are too yellow it is due to excess light and irrigation, if the leaves fall is due to lack of light.  Some pests may also appear on the plant such as aphids or spiders, which you must eliminate with the product indicated for these pests.
  • Neck gall: It is the most serious disease that the plant could have; it consists of an uncontrolled growth of the stem of the plant, almost as if it were a cancer. This disease kills the plant in a couple of years and there is no cure. To prevent it, it is better to move the plant away from soils that are too wet and avoid excessive watering, since it is spread by a bacterium that lives in the water. In case of being infected, it is better to cut the plant and the soil and eliminate it since it is an irreversible process.


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