How to Take Care of Plants


Having plants at home can be something that can give a lot of life to your living room, your garden and your bedroom. However, to have a house full of plants you must learn to take care of plants, as this will undoubtedly make a difference.

Taking care of plants is something that many people know how to do, since the world is full of people who are in charge of millions of plants, which can keep them company, can create a great smell and can make this person feel fulfilled. Herself for taking care of them.

However, these people were not born knowing, since taking care of plants is a quality that we can all learn if we dedicate enough effort to it obviously. Maintaining plant care can be done by anyone because there are plants for everyone.

By this I mean that there are a million types of plants, which can be used to plant wherever we want. We are going to have indoor plants, outdoor plants, specific plants for the garden, plants for spring, plants for summer and plants for the roof or ground.

In this way, you will be able to get a plant perfectly adapted to your needs, which will allow you to take care of it the way you want. However, although there are thousands of types of plants, they all have some common denominators that make it necessary to know them in order to care for this plant in the correct way.

For example, we are going to have to water all the plants, only some more than others. We are going to have to give sunlight to these plants so that they can have photosynthesis and we are going to have to let them get the mineral salts through the fertilizer.

In this way, we will be able to have plants that are cared for in a similar way and if we know the basics, we are ready to start with the specific care of a type of plant. If you don’t know what the basic guidelines are to get started, don’t worry, since we are going to see right now how to take care of plants and start doing it now.

Instructions for caring for plants

  1. Water: The first thing we must know when caring for plants is that water is one of the fundamental parts to be able to have a plant in good condition. Water is a necessary element for all living beings and for this reason, you must bear in mind that all plants need irrigation. The plant uses the water to photosynthesize, but it also drinks water like humans, since the leaves and all that stuff is partly made of water. For this reason, we must know our plant, to know the amount of water it needs. If we give it insufficient water, we are going to get a withered and colorless plant, which can wither.  If instead we give it too much water, we will have a drowned plant and it will die, just as if we were drowned in a pool of water and could not drink all the water. This is specific to each plant, since a water lily does not need the same water as a cactus, although they all need something, because otherwise they will die.
  2. Sunlight: The next step is sunlight, since photosynthesis needs sunlight and carbon dioxide in order to finish photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide is always present in the air, which is created when living things breathe and for this reason, we must worry about sunlight, which is the most difficult to obtain. Sunlight is achieved by the incidence of solar radiation on the plant, which can be direct or indirect. Although all plants need some solar radiation, we should not go too far either, because if we put too much solar radiation on them, we will notice how the plants can end up dying and burning. If instead they have few, the plants will not have energy to carry out photosynthesis and will die. For this reason, you must know your plant in question and give it the right and necessary amount, so that the plant can carry out photosynthesis without burning and damaging it in the process, this being something that can vary greatly from one type of plant. To another, since it is not even similar in a houseplant or in a sunflower.
  3. Fertilizing: Fertilizing is the fastest way for the plant to obtain nutrients, since a well-fertilized soil will allow us to obtain nutrients quickly through the roots of the plant.  Mineral salts are essential for the care of the plant, since it needs them to be in optimal health, however, like everything in this life, it does not need too much fertilizer to survive. Compost is a compound, which can be mineral or organic, which gives the plant the necessary substances. The fertilizer can be natural, made with animal feces or synthetic, which is what they sell in the store. In any case, it is thrown into the soil and makes it possible for plants to take up the mineral salts that have been added to the soil. In this case, the amount and frequency to pay also depends on the plant, so again, we must inform ourselves to get exactly what we are looking for and thus achieve perfection in this case, thus achieving photosynthesis in the correct way.
  4. Repotting: In some types of plants, the plant will grow too large and this will require repotting. Transplantation is the movement of a plant from one place to another. This can be from a larger pot to a smaller one, to a large pot to a garden. The fact is that it is usually done from a small site to a larger one because the plant no longer fits in its site and needs a new place. However, the plant must be cared for correctly, as if this is done incorrectly, the plant could break in the process. Here we have made countless articles for you to learn how to transplant plants and in this way, get a transplant without damaging the plant and without problems. From indoor plants, others like cacti and many more.
  5. Pests: Finally, we have an enemy that can damage your plants forever. These are pests, that is, other living beings that will try to eat and parasitize your plant. Most of these are of animal and invertebrate origin, specifically insects, annelids or arachnids that will try to use your plant for food. However, there are more types, such as parasitic fungi or even some bacteria. Although each case is personal, normally the best way to get rid of all pests is through pesticides, which are products that manage to kill insects without damaging the health of our plant, something that is undoubtedly important to avoid the total damage in them and in turn end the pest in question.


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