Lilies – How They Are, Origin and Meaning


Also known as lilies in certain parts of the world, lilies are flowers characterized by their penetrating aroma and the elegance of their delicate petals, which makes them an exotic decorative element that adds aroma and subtlety to spaces. However, their use it is not only limited to decoration, but to therapeutic uses as well.

The origin of lilies is ancient; there is evidence of the presence of these flowers in ancient cultures such as the Egyptian, Greek and Arab. Throughout history, lilies have culturally represented a symbolism of power, beauty and purity.

The spread of lilies throughout the world has been general; from its well-known beginnings with the Egyptians and representing the power of the god Horus himself, passing through Greece, the Arab world, then migrating with the Moors to the Mediterranean, and thus dispersing across the continents and evolving into more than 110 different species.

It is a flower that adapts to different habitats or ecosystems, hence it’s meaning as a resistant and powerful flower and its versatile appearance, which in each species retains the distinction of its elegance and subtlety. The meaning that each lily flower contains is linked to the variety of its colors, which distinguish a range of tones and unique characteristics that make it a flower with a charming image.

Next, we will show you the meaning of the lilies according to the color of their petals, so that you can find the right tone when giving a flower arrangement to that special person:

Meaning of the lilies according to their color

  • White lilies: symbolizes the innocence and finesse of virginal beings; it is common to get them in churches as offerings to the Virgin Mary. A bouquet of white lilies is ideal for brides, as they are the reflection of a chaste woman who gives herself to a new beginning.
  • Yellow lilies: express vitality, energy and entrepreneurial strength. They are ideal decorations for businesses or projects that are expanding.
  • Orange lilies: represent the sagacious passion of young love; the fire that symbolizes adolescent relationships. A gift of these exotic flowers invites you to maintain passion and first love and revives the sadness of the soul.
  • Red lilies: if you want to commit to marriage, a bouquet of red lilies is a perfect detail to seal that union, as they symbolize the maturity of a strong, passionate and ardent love.
  • Pink lilies: they are linked to the tenderness of youth and the vitality of this long-for stage. An arrangement of pink lilies is ideal for those quinceañeras who are beginning a stage of new experiences.
  • Purple lilies: due to the strength of their hue, they convey excessive sexual desire. Purple lily arrangements are commonly used to decorate honeymoon rooms.

Main types of Lilies

  • lilies of the valley
  • Van Gogh Irises
  • Be lilies
  • Water lilies

Properties of the Lilies

Apart from being used as decorative elements due to their great beauty and versatility,  lilies are used to make medicinal and aromatic substances, thanks to their nutritious properties.

Among the nutrients released by this exotic flower are:

  • Essential oil
  • Meristic acid
  • Flavonoids
  • Calcium oxalate
  • Mucilage
  • Tannins

Therapeutic uses of lilies

Next, we will see some of the medicinal benefits that lilies provide:

  • From the bulbs of these flowers it is possible to elaborate highly beneficial topical for the treatment of warts and other bumps on the skin.
  • Through infusions, respiratory diseases can be treated, as it works as an expectorant.
  • It also guarantees a diuretic effect that stimulates kidney function.
  • It is possible to manufacture oils that are highly effective for massaging areas affected by bumps and reducing inflammation and bruising.
  • The oil that comes from these flowers helps treat burns, ulcers, skin tags, blemishes, and freckles.
  • The treatment of lilies in the world of cosmetics has been widely accepted, since among its benefits is the bio activating power of dead cells.
  • Creams containing lily flower as an active agent are used to retain skin aging and reduce wrinkles.

Instructions for Lilies – they are, Origin and Meaning

Lilies are strong flowers that are resistant to different climates, which are why they flourish in many parts of the world and their habitats can be forests, mountains and even swamps. But if you want to grow them at home, following these simple steps you can create a beautiful and enviable garden:

  1. Lilies bloom at all times of the year, so you don’t need to wait for a specific month.
  2. Locate a place in the house with good water drainage and direct sunlight.
  3. You take the flower bulb or the seeds and sink it into soft soil, so that it is not trapped.
  4. All bulbs or seeds should be at least 15 centimeters apart.
  5. If the temperatures are very low, you should spread a layer of fresh compost on the ground, otherwise it will not bloom.
  6. You must keep the soil moist, but without abusing the water as you can drown the roots.
  7. If the flower wilts, you need to remove the entire stem, otherwise it will lose essential nutrients for another bud to emerge.
  8. In its growth process, you must fertilize the planted land continuously, using a fertilizer rich in potassium.

What do you need for Lilies – are they, Origin and Meaning?

Thanks to their strong nature, lilies do not require multiple cares for their cultivation, as they are resistant flowers that only require a space at home that is well lit with sunlight.

The essential elements that lilies require to flourish and maintain are easy to obtain, and some we even have at home without realizing it, these are:

  • The bulb of the lily flower.
  • Land.
  • Toilet.
  • Sunshine.
  • Home compost.
  • Manures and fertilizers.

Tips for Lilies – they are, Origin and Meaning

As we have said, lilies are flowers that have more than 110 different species around the world, but each of these varieties share a unique style that differentiates them from other flowers. In addition, its most notorious attributes are its penetrating and lasting aroma, its colors and the elegance of its petals.

These flowers can reach a height of up to one meter with stems that sprout from bulbs that are buried more than 15 centimeters above the surface of the earth. Depending on the variety, they vary in the size of their flowers and present colors such as white, red, bluish, pink and variegated.

Lilies are exotic and elegant, ideal for decorating spaces or wearing as an accessory. A flower can reach a width of three to nine inches; its forms present an exuberant and curvaceous image. The leaves of the lily are lance late or pointed in shades of green and have six equal teals that vary in size and shape depending on the species.

The following tips will help you to correctly preserve the life of lily flowers, without a bad procedure affecting your crop:

  • For the cultivation of lilies you only need to place them in a place that receives enough sunlight and that the soil is absorbent, capable of draining water regularly.
  • Each bulb must be separated by about 15 centimeters, so that they do not invade the space of another.
  • The bulbs can be saved and planted later, as they would lose all their properties. They should be planted immediately after purchase.
  • You must bury it more than 15 centimeters deep, so that the roots cannot withstand the direct heat of the sun.
  • You have to constantly water the soil, but do not create puddles, as these would indicate that the bulbs can drown.
  • After flowering, you should reduce the watering of the plants, but without stopping keeping the soil moist
  • Low temperatures can affect its growth, so it can be easily resolved by covering the soil with a layer of compost to stabilize the temperature.
  • When cutting the lilies, you must be careful not to pull out the stem, as it will not be able to continue flowering.
  • You can also keep lilies in water as decorative elements.

Varieties of lilies

Here are some varieties of lilies so you can easily recognize them:

  • Ilium Stargazer: they have a height of about 90 centimeters, a penetrating aroma and a delicate pink color on their petals.
  • The Ilium Casablanca: stands out among many for its extreme whiteness and widely used in bridal bouquets. Its petals are large and wavy.
  • Ilium Mrs. RO Backhouse: they present a yellow color reaching orange, and adapts to the shade better than other varieties of lilies.
  • Ilium Tiny Bee: it is a small flower, about 35 centimeters high. It requires a lot of sun to flourish.
  • Ilium Lollipop: It is a colorful flower, ideal for vases and pots. It is about 35 centimeters tall.
  • Ilium lancifolium: one of the tallest species of lilies, reaching a height of 120 cm. We get them in dark orange colors and with small black dots on their corrugated petals.
  • Ilium longiflorum: another of the great varieties of lilies, it reaches a height of 125 centimeters. Its petals are white with a yellow pistil.
  • Ilium regale:  comes from China. It has an average height of 90-120 centimeters and withstands high temperatures in the sun. Its flower is white with slightly elongated petals.
  • Ilium orientalism: stands out for its pink colors and aroma. It also reaches considerable height, between 90 and 120 centimeters.
  • Ilium Melody: it is a low flower, about 50 centimeters, they are also ideal for pots or pots. Its petals are dark pink and elongated.
  • Lilies Robert Swanson: They are large yellow or orange flowers. Its aroma perfumes any environment.


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