Mangoes – How and When To Plant Mangoes


Tropical fruits are one of the great contributions of the American continent to Europe. Among them, the mango stands out, a piece of fruit that is suitable for consumption throughout the year, although its freshness recommends that it be consumed in the summer stage, more preferably in any type of summer party.

What is mango and when to plant it?

Thus, the mango leads the tropical fruits, along with pineapple, melon or watermelon, and has its origin in the Indian and Indochinese subcontinent, although it was later introduced in other countries that also had tropical climates, reaping very good results. However, it can also be grown in other totally different habitats such as those regions with more temperate and Mediterranean climates such as Spain, France or Italy, among others.  Originally, however, mangoes are native to the hot and humid tropics such as Asia and Oceania. Outside of these climates, they also grow well in those areas where the minimum temperatures never fall below four degrees. In those colder areas, the handle also it can continue to grow indoors and shelter from the cold in pots.

In addition, there is the variety of mango known as Cog shall, which is specially designed for growing indoors. Its height must permanently reach 2.5 meters, provided that pruning tasks are carried out regularly. However, if you have limited space don’t worry as there are smaller varieties. Like the avocado, the mango has a bone inside, which is the only part of the fruit that is not eaten, while all the rest should be consumed without any problem.

The Peruvian mango is one of the best among tropical fruits. Its unique flavor, taste, fragrance, in addition to the nutritional benefits that we will learn about below, makes it unique in its kind. The nutrients and components of this fruit vary depending on the type and quantity we are talking about. The best way to enjoy it is to eat it plain, or at most, accompanied by a few drops of lemon. Some factors to know which the handles that are worth it are are their flexibility, smell, in addition to those that do not sink under pressure.

Benefits of eating mango

Eating mango has enormous benefits for our body and our nutritional balance. The most prominent are the following:

  • It is digestive and prevents cancer. Eating mango supplies a group of enzymes to the body that help the digestive system and cleanse the stomach for the breakdown of food. In addition, it also helps prevent the possible appearance of cancer thanks to the great source of antioxidants it has.
  • Reduces weight and gives better cardiovascular health. When the mango is not ripe, but rather green, it is one of the best fruits on the market to help with weight loss.  The mango when ripe contains a large amount of sugar. As if that were not enough, both fiber and vitamin C help reduce that cholesterol that is bad, or also known as LDL.
  • Strengthens bones and reduces the risk of anemia. The absence of vitamin K is completely related to the risk of suffering any type of bone fracture. Thus, the mango is responsible for providing this type of vitamin and preventing this type of injury. At the same time, if you don’t get enough iron in your diet, you run the risk of anemia. Therefore, the handle also has this type of element in its composition.
  • Good for the liver and diabetes. Liver disorders can be treated by eating green mango. With this type of fruit, the intestines are cleaned of possible infectious bacteria, in addition to increasing the secretion of bile acids. Diabetics are also a group that should bet on consuming unripe mango. Accompanied by yogurt, it helps reduce sugar levels in the body and balance our body.

Among the many benefits that mango also has, it also highlights the help it provides to prevent the appearance of stones in the kidneys. Because this fruit is rich in fiber and water, and low in oxalates, it allows our kidneys to function better. The main reason for achieving this is that it is capable of inhibiting the flu virus, its consumption being really recommended by the majority of the medical community worldwide. And, above all, stay cool in summer.

How to plant mango?

It is one of the easiest trees to plant and care for, offering a wide variety of fruits, and can grow between 9 and 20 meters high. When planting the mango, the first step is to find a mother tree that gives good seeds and then to remove the bone inside, which acts as protection. This process must be done very carefully as it is the barrier that prevents us from accessing the seeds that will allow the germination process to start. If we manage to remove this protection from the seed, we will also speed up this process and make it germinate sooner. After the drying period of approximately one week, it will be ready to be sown. Once we have obtained our seeds, it is time to find the right habitat for its proper development. This is none other than a place with proper hydration, but without overdoing it, since if we give it too much water we run the risk that it will end up rotting.

We must manage to provide the plant with the correct temperature and a dark place. In this sense, planting mango indoors is perfectly possible so that the germination period is done properly. There are many possible methods, and you could even bury a pot and have the mango grow properly. Once the germination period is over, we will plant the roots in a pot to allow them to grow correctly and completely vertically. When we reach this point, we must take the seedling to an area with direct exposure to the sun. In addition, it must allow the tree to develop, since, as mentioned above, heights close to 20 meters can be reached. Also make sure that the root system is correct, and that they have a minimum length of five centimeters. On the other hand, if the place where you live suffers from changes in temperature and these can drop, never take the handle out of the pot since this container is really comfortable to carry inside in case the temperature drops. In that case, it will be necessary to prune it regularly.

If you need to plant the seedling in an outdoor area, you should also follow some recommendations. The root ball must have a minimum depth with a hole that must be three times it. We will add a third of quality potting mix, plus a third of garden sand and fill the rest with soil. When transferring the plant to the ground, we must be very careful with it. The mango plant should be watered regularly using fertilizer in moderation; otherwise it will give more leaves than fruit, to prevent the possible appearance of pests. It is a background job, since most mango trees take between five and eight years to bear fruit. It’s a laborious process, but the sweet wait is well worth it.


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