Peonies: How to Care for Peonies


Since ancient times peonies have been considered as a symbol of wealth, happiness and luck; since then and today, this plant represents position and elegance, if you want to know how to care for peonies continue reading this article.

The peony has its origin in Mediterranean Europe, Asia and the western part of North America. Peonies are named in honor of the physician of the gods, called Paean.

Peonies have been cultivated in China for more than two thousand years, because apart from having extraordinary beauty, their roots were used as medicine and food.  Cultivation in gardens has been around for more than six hundred years. There are some groups of this plant that can survive up to 50 years, which of course shows that they do not need extreme care.

As well as in China, they are also highly appreciated in Japan, where early blooms are protected from snow, with a decorated cover and in China it is a symbol of indulgence and luxury.

Among the historical facts of peonies we can find, for example, that the Roman legions first brought this plant to England; that are found in botanical books since 1963; that this plant is a floral symbol of China along with the plum flower, only in China it is called Medan; Qing, within its imperial dynasty in 1903, declared this flower as a national symbol of China after being protected by an imperial decree; in Japan this flower is called Ebisugusuri, this word has the meaning of medicine in China; Within traditional folk medicine, the roots of peonies were used for asthma, seizures, and menstrual spasms.

It’s Latin or scientific name is Peoria suffruticosa and it belongs to the Ranunculaceae family; etymologically speaking, the Chinese name of this flower is “showing you” whose meaning is the most beautiful.  

Peonies are herbaceous and perennial; there are more than 30 species of this plant, some are even shrubs that are woody, there are approximately ten species of this type. Woody plants can reach 2 meters in height and herbaceous plants can reach a meter.

It generally lives in regions with a temperate climate, where there are no excessively hot summers and where winters are only cool.

These can have seven types of petals: single, semi-double, Chinese or double, imperial or Japanese, bomb, anemone and cactus.

This is a frequently blooming plant; its flowers are large and fragrant; flowering is done in the spring time and double or simple yellow, white, red, purple or pink flowers come out.

The bush is deciduous; the color of its leaves is intense green and they can be divided into segments or whole; the development of this plant is slow, but it is really worth it to be able to enjoy its great beauty later; it is an ideal shrub to make paths or to make fences for sidewalks, walls or boundaries.

Caring for peonies

Actually these plants are quite strong, so their care is not complicated; peonies can survive even harsh winters; after they are planted in a garden they can continue to bloom in the spring time for several years. This beautiful plant is also frequently grown as an ornamental plant.

This beautiful flower has managed to captivate many people around the world, because its beauty is very evident; This plant can be had either in gardens, terraces or patios, since it can be grown both on the ground and in a pot, not to mention that its cultivation and maintenance are quite simple; so it is a very good option for people who have no experience or know about plant care.


If you have some peony buttercups and they look somewhat dry, it is important to leave them overnight in a container of water to soften them.

If what you want is to go buy the plant, it is very important to take the time to review them all, take a good look at their leaves and look for the healthiest one; when you go to buy them, it is important to have time and not keep the first one that is delivered to us.

If you intend to grow this plant in pots (pots), they should be placed in ones that are at least 60 centimeters deep; the more space there is, the better it will be for the roots of the peonies.

When they are planted they should be deep and in organic soil, but at the same time trying not to bury the bulb too much.

The light

It needs partial shade, so it is important to ensure that it is protected from the midday sun.

In some regions they like some direct sun, so depending on where you live, you should see which is the most suitable place for them; For example, in regions where it is very hot, it is more important to locate them in semi-shade or if the heat is very extreme in the shade.

The ideal is to look for them to receive 6 hours of sun a day, although as there are so many varieties, there are some that can resist more to this and others to low temperatures and different climates, all this will depend on where they come from and the type of variety.


It moderately supports severe temperatures, for which it can be cultivated in the Nordic regions or in other positions that are difficult; although if we are going to talk about preferences, this plant likes a temperate climate better.


It needs a moist soil that is adequately drained; it grows well in calcareous soils.

This plant can grow in various soils, so without any problem it can be planted in clay soil; in this case it should be watered more frequently, as this plant is not resistant to drought.


It will not need very frequent watering, it will have twice a week, but if the crop is exposed to the sun, it should be increased.

Species that have already been well adapted to the Mediterranean climate tend to withstand lack of water well; care must be taken because excessive watering could harm them; it is important to be careful not to wet its foliage. The soil should be kept moist, but not waterlogged.


In the winter and autumn months, it must be fertilized with an organic one and in the spring months with a mineral one, which must be soluble.

It should be paid when it is in its growth stage, that is, from spring to the beginning of autumn, mainly at the time it begins to bloom.

At the beginning of spring they can be fertilized with a little nitrogen (very little), in this way they can help their flowering.

The tutored

The stems of this plant can measure between 70 and 120 cm, for this reason it is important to precede to trellises them, so that later the weight of their flowers does not affect them.  The trellising is one of the agricultural techniques that consist of being able to give support to the growth of the plant by means of a structure, whose function will be to guide the stems, so that later they are well supported and hold their fruits and flowers.


Only old branches should be pruned after flowering and in the fall before their leaves drop. It is important to cut off the parts that are already dead. It is good that the soil is mulched well before winter arrives in the first year.

If the plant is growing excessively, it is important that it is moderately pruned during the first days of autumn, as this could help it to have a more beautiful growth and stimulate the lower part of the plant to develop well; Herbaceous stems should be cut in the fall at ground level, unlike trees that do not need a deep pruning, it will only be necessary to cut those branches that are dry when winter is ending. After flowering, you should proceed to remove those flowers that are withered.

Cut the flowers

If the flowers are to be cut, this should be done at the time the bud has just opened and at least 3 leaves should be left on each of the stems; it is important that the plant does not suffer and for that it is not advisable to cut half the buds, it should be a smaller number.

The multiplication

It can be done by dividing its rhizomes, but after three years have passed since it was planted; each part must have the eyes of future buds.

Multiplication can also occur by layering, stakes, seeds, grafts or tuber division.

The seeds should be planted between spring and summer, while the division of the tubers should be done in the spring or autumn.

If you are going to plant several peonies, it is very important that you leave a space of at least 80 centimeters between each one.


Great care must be taken where the peonies are going to be planted, as they are not very resistant to a transplant; manipulating their roots does them no good.


If it is seen that some fungus is affecting the plant, the parts that are infected must be pruned, before the same disease can spread; those leaves that have fallen to the ground should also be checked, because if they are infested they will continue to infect the plants. Once the parts with fungi have been removed, a fungicide should be applied.

Among the most common fungi that affect this plant we find botrytis; it is also possible that mealy bugs attack them; in this case one of the solutions is to take a cotton ball, soak it in alcohol and proceed to clean it as soon as possible.

To consider

Most of the shrubby peonies are deciduous, which means that they lose their leaves in the winter season.

When the plant has already rooted itself well in the ground, it becomes very resistant, with good longevity and best of all; the number of flowers will also increase during flowering times.

Control excessive humidity, the sun, clean the garden well and the peonies will have good health.

If you notice that they have better flowers every time, it is because the time has come to divide the plants, if the peonies are still too young for this, you have to check what is happening, suddenly they are receiving more sun than necessary or On the contrary, very little, if it suffered from a frost, or its roots are meeting other plants that are nearby.


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