Petechiae – How To Treat And Care For Petechiae?


Sometimes some people discover some tiny red spots not bigger than a pinhead on their skin, which are not painful or itchy and in fact do not cause any discomfort. However, their presence in sight can be annoying. In reality, these little spots are actually micro vascular leaks just in the subcutaneous layer of the skin and are called petechiae.

Petechiae are usually red in color, but they can change in color to purple, greenish or black, like the changes that a common bruise undergoes. They usually measure between one and four millimeters.

The easiest way to identify whether a skin tag is a blemish or petechiae is to press on it with your thumb: a blemish disappears under pressure while the petechiae remain visible.

Petechiae are vascular micro-effusions, that is, they are visible signs that a capillary vessel has suffered some damage and has burst, spilling a little blood that generates the red mark.

Due to their lack of symptoms and since they do not cause any discomfort, it is common to ignore the presence of Petechiae on your body. However, although they generally do not represent a serious health risk, it is important to take some specific care to prevent future problems.

What do you need for Petechiae – treat and care for petechiae?

  1. Identification of probable cause.
  2. Arnica cream or ointment.
  3. Foods rich in certain vitamins.
  4. Go to a specialist.

Instructions for Petechiae – treat and care for petechiae?

The appearance of Petechiae on the skin is basically due to a weakened or fragile capillary vessel that is not able to resist any pressure or disease and causes the breakage that gives rise to red marks on the skin. Skin. Generally, the causes of this break are minor and do not have long-term consequences. Common minor causes include:

  • Sports overexertion, the most common place of appearance of Petechiae for this cause are the legs and arms. It happens at the moment of having carried out a very intense sports load in which the effort is of such magnitude that it generates this condition.

Physical overload, sometimes a period of intense crying or vomiting can cause these spots on the face and neck due to the vascular pressure they generate and that damages the capillaries. Heavy labor can be a normal minor cause of petechiae.

  • Trauma, a blow or wound can have as a consequence around the affected area that the capillaries burst, causing the appearance of Petechiae sometimes by simple pinching or pricks. It can also happen as a result of an insect bite.
  • Reaction to some medication or allergenic substance, certain chemicals can cause the appearance of petechiae due to their interactions with the blood.

However, if no minor external physical cause can be identified that would have caused the appearance of these spots on the skin, it is important to see a doctor. This is because there are more serious internal causes that have petechiae as a symptom. Among them can be:

  • Vitamin deficiency, the lack of vitamins B, C, E and K, can generate the appearance of petechiae since these vitamins are responsible for feeding and keeping the skin in good condition, its deficiency causes fragility in the capillaries making it more prone the appearance of this condition.

Liver diseases, diseases caused by bacteria or viruses. If the presence of petechiae is accompanied by fever or abdominal pain, it is essential to see a doctor as soon as possible. Petechiae can appear due to affectations in the circulation and coagulation of the blood.

-Blood diseases such as thrombocytopenia or leukemia.

  • In children, the appearance of multiplying petechiae accompanied by feveris a serious symptom that indicates meningitis. You should go immediately to medical consultation.

Home care

Petechiae due to injury or trauma: if a minor cause has been identified as generating the appearance of petechiae, these can be treated without going to a specialist.

It is common that in the event that the appearance of these marks is due to physical or sports overexertion, the petechiae tend to disappear by themselves without the need for any intervention from the person who suffers from them as they go through the natural color changes of a common bruise.

It is possible to accelerate the process of disappearance of petechiae caused by trauma through the application of ice packs in the affected area.

The correct way to do this is to cover an ice pack with a towel or blanket and place it on the wound or bruise for 15 minutes or as long as you can stand it. Ice should never be placed directly, as it can burn the skin.

The application of some homeopathic or natural remedies in the affected area also helps to accelerate the disappearance of petechiae; the most used and effective ointments or creams for this condition are those that contain arnica among its ingredients.

Petechiae in adults: over time, the skin loses elasticity and strength, which is why the capillaries in old age tend to be particularly fragile. It is important to maintain an exercise routine that helps keep the skin in the best possible condition, to avoid the appearance of petechiae.

It is also important to take special care and protect the skin as it ages. Bruises, snags, scratches or cuts should be avoided as much as possible.

In the event that any trauma affects the skin, it is important to immediately apply strong pressure to the area to contain the bleeding and reduce the appearance of this condition as much as possible. Special care should be taken in the area of ​​the eyelids and around the eyes.

Vitamin deficiencies or internal causes: in the case of presenting petechiae due to internal causes such as a lack of certain vitamins, a change in diet is essential to help cover the deficiencies that cause it.

In general, foods with a high content of vitamin C such as fruits, vegetables and citrus fruits are a great ally against petechiae.

Similarly, it is advisable to increase the intake of alfalfa sprouts and all kinds of green leafy vegetables such as chard, kale or spinach, since their consumption provides large amounts of vitamin K that acts as an effective coagulant and prevents damage to the vessels. Capillaries.

Also, avoid the consumption of onion and garlic, since these foods act in the opposite way as they are natural anticoagulants, encouraging blood to spill more easily by delaying the natural coagulation process.

If considered necessary and always in accordance with a specialist, in the event that it is not possible to ingest sufficient quantities of vitamins through food, this may be supported by the increase in the consumption of the missing vitamins through the consumption of specific supplements of vitamins. A, B, C, E and K.

Home remedies to treat petechiae: there are home preparations in the form of an infusion that can help the disappearance and prevention of petechiae by stimulating blood coagulation. Among them are dandelions and ginkgo balboa. It is enough to boil a liter of water with a sufficient amount of these herbs for five minutes and consume the drink throughout the day.

It is also possible to create a homemade ointment to treat petechiae. This can be made from horse chestnut, thyme or hogweed.

We proceed to boil these elements in a liter of water or vinegar and apply the mixture to the affected area. The application of walnut or avocado oil on the skin is also effective to promote its elasticity and strength, thus avoiding damage to the capillaries.

Petechiae due to medications or treatments: certain medications can cause the appearance of petechiae due to their anticoagulant characteristics such as aspirin or cancer treatment.

If this is the case, the doctor responsible for this treatment should be consulted about whether the medication can be suspended or changed.

Petechiae due to diseases or infections: in the event that the appearance of petechiae is due to a more serious underlying medical condition, such as in the case of a viral or bacterial disease or infection, the most effective and safe way to treat with this condition is treating the underlying disease since these spots are only a symptom of some problem, but not the problem itself.

Tips for Petechiae – treat and care for petechiae?

Only a specialist doctor will be able to issue an accurate diagnosis regarding the disease that generates the breaking of the capillary vessels.

To have a professional opinion, the patient will probably undergo a series of chemical and laboratory tests that will be aimed at discovering the underlying cause, in accordance with the rest of the symptoms.

To carry out a safe treatment and not put the health of those who present these symptoms at risk, it is essential to go to the corresponding medical attention and follow the process indicated therein to the letter.


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