Pothos: How to Take Care of It


The pathos or also, called pathos, are plants that we commonly find inside houses, offices, shopping centers, etc.; it is a nice decoration element; its care is simple, they grow fast and multiply likewise, it is a plant that really does not need much care, which means that we do not really dedicate all the attention to it and we do not consent to it as it can be done with other plants. If you want to know how to take care of pathos, read the tips that we bring you below.

It is a very common plant and it is also usually a very frequent gift that is given to someone who is opening a house or office; we can say that they are a classic and that most homes have one. In addition, this plant can last for several years in perfect conditions.

Its scientific name is Epipremnum Pinnate, native to Southeast Asia and belongs to the large family of Raceme; it has more than 3,000 species and 100 genera. It is a tropical climbing plant, it has green leaves with some yellowish cream areas, they always look for a way to climb, they are usually small in size, but when they achieve their goal of getting entangled, they increase in size.

What do you need to take care of it?

  • A pathos
  • A pot (pot)
  • Atomizer
  • Water
  • Fertilizer (iron chelates)

Instructions to take care of it

  1. If you don’t have your pathos yet, you can buy one that already has a 15-centimeter stem, you can plant it directly in a pot with soil, or you can put it in water until it takes root and then move it to the pot. At the time you are planting, put a stick on it so that your bush has the possibility of getting entangled.
  2. Locate your pathos in a bright place in the house but do not give it direct sunlight, because if it receives it can turn pale, and on the contrary, if you put it in a dark place it will lose the yellowish color of its leaves, so you should look for an intermission.
  3. The pathos should not be in temperatures below 10ºc, if they were in colder conditions their leaves would fall.
  4. If you want to know the most ideal temperature to have pathos, it would be approximately 16º to 21ºc.
  5. This type of bush should not be watered very often, excess water will be harmful to it to the point of rotting, it is better that you let its surface layer dry well before you pour the water on it again, it is more, when you water it you have to find an intermediate point and if that is the case it is better to have less than enough. The average will be to do it every 5 days when you are in summer and every 10 days in winter, but you must be attentive and compare its dryness.
  6. When you are watering your bush it is important that you take a spray bottle and add a little water to its foliage as well, be careful, never do this with water that contains lime.
  7. If you are interested in fertilizing your plant, do it in the summer every 15 days, when its leaves have turned yellow.
  8. In order for your plant to acquire the iron it needs, you can use a fertilizer called iron chelates.
  9. Although, as we mentioned, you should spray the foliage of your pathos with water, this can cause some white spots to appear on its leaves, so it is good that you clean them frequently using a damp cloth or rag, so your pathos can breathe better. And it will get prettier.
  10. It is good that you also prune your pathos, this is so that the cup always maintains its leaves, so each year the twigs stand out and you will see that it will have better branching.

Tips to take care of it

  • If you see that both the stems and the leaves of your pathos are wrinkled and also tend to fall off, it is because the plant has been in very cold conditions for it.
  • If you notice that the color of your pathos is fine, but that it is losing nuances, you should let lighter enter it, but remember: never direct sunlight.
  • If you notice that its leaves are very yellow, it is because it is asking for a little more watering, and it is possible that the substrate it contains is very dry.
  • If the leaves of your pathos turn yellow at all, it is because it lacks iron; remember that we talked about the ideal fertilizer for this.
  • If the leaves have brown spots, it is because you have overwatered.
  • If your pathos develops fungi, red spider mite or some type of bacteria, it is better that you go to the experts or to a nursery so that they can advise you the best.
  • It is an ideal plant to put in the bathroom because the environmental humidity will be beneficial to it.
  • If you have pets, do not let them purge themselves with pathos leaves, they could be toxic.


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