Sesame – How to Use and Healing Properties of Sesame


Sesame is well known, especially in culinary development, from this seed oil can be obtained, in addition, how many of us have not eaten a delicious baked bread with a layer of these seeds, which not only give it a great appearance, but also provide a dream flavor. Its gastronomic use is not something new, because in the past, the slaves who came from Africa used it in various meals, hence the fact that it is also used in this way in continents such as America. These small seeds are definitely one more gift that nature has not given, because their nutritional composition is excellent, which is why their use in our food is highly indicated, and also, they have medicinal properties for various diseases, which we will explain later.

As for its composition, these seeds contain iron, calcium, proteins, fatty acids, zinc, and some vitamins such as B and E, as you have seen, there are various nutritional benefits that I can offer you, and that a few were missing to mention, imagine, all those components in small seeds, who would have thought, the uses are very varied, and on that I am going to guide you, because surely you have had those seeds at home, and you had no idea for the amount of things that its consumption can help you.

Let’s start by talking a little about its uses, in the kitchen, it is one of the best known, it has an exquisite smell which makes it suitable for use in desserts and very diverse dishes, including the oil obtained from this seed, it is very beneficial, it is really healthy, that is why the great chefs choose to use them in their meals. For salads, it is a truly magical touch; a small amount of these seeds will give you a flavor that you had not thought to achieve. The most recommended way of using them, when it comes to the seed in its natural state, is by roasting it, It is advantageous from two perspectives to consume them in this way, firstly, it helps to make the food easier to digest, and secondly, it helps to intensify the flavor, achieving better results in desserts, salads, or meals in general.

Sesame or sesame seeds, as they are better known to you, you can also grind them and use them as dressings, in meats, sauces, wherever you prefer, wherever you use them, they will help achieve an enviable flavor for any master chef. But let’s move from theory to practice, we are going to guide you a little more, about how to roast the seeds and how to use them as a dressing, and later we will also address medicinal uses, which are also more diverse.

What do you need for Sesame – use and healing properties of sesame?

  • Sesame.

Instructions for Sesame – use and healing properties of sesame

How to roast the seeds:

  1. In a tray, of average size, depending on the amount you want to toast, spread the seeds.
  2. Place them in the oven at 120ºC.
  3. In a conventional pan you can do it too, first place it on the fire, and when it is a little hot, put the seeds.
  4. To remove them, use a wooden palette, do it constantly, when you see that they are all toasted, remove them from the heat.

Seed-based condiments.

  1. In a mortar, place the amount you prefer of seeds, previously toasted, the amount will depend on the use you are going to give it.
  2. Crush the seeds, adding salt, but only a small measure of it. Once you have completed the grinding process, you will have obtained the expected seasoning. It is very simple.

Sesame face.

  1. Place in a pot with water, paper, and cloves, until they are at the boiling point.
  2. Remove from heat once a homogeneous mixture has been obtained.
  3. The sesame seeds should be toasted, as we have explained before, and then crushed.
  4. Place the mixture obtained previously and the ground sesame seeds in the blender, if necessary, add more water, serve very cold and that’s it, you will have achieved an exquisite face.

Healing properties.

  1. Direct consumption of sesame seeds, at least one tablespoon each morning, can provide you with enough energy to easily face your daily routine.
  2. In the same way, it is feasible to lose weight, but in these cases, its consumption should be a little longer.
  3. Due to its high fiber content, it can be essential to normalize the functioning of your digestive system, just apply it to your meals, and it will be enough to obtain this benefit.
  4. If you have high cholesterol levels, the consumption of this seed can help you, this due to its high content of omega 3, with the consumption of this seed; you will be taking precautions and reducing the chances of going through cardiovascular problems.
  5. To maintain strong and healthy bones, you have frequently consumed sesame, in salads, soups, sauces, as you prefer, its calcium and iron content is excellent for this.

To remove makeup.

  1. Sesame oil has diversified its use, it is no longer only used in the kitchen, but it is also used in the cosmetic area. To use the oil as a make-up remover, just by moistening a silk cloth with this oil, you will be able to remove the make-up without any inconvenience.
  2. If you mix sesame oil with almond oil, you will obtain great benefits, especially in moisturizing your skin; it will leave it very soft and smooth.
  3. The process of preparing almond oil with sesame is very simple, first of all, soak two almonds in water from one day to the next, the next day, you must proceed to crush them, once you achieve it, add the sesame, In this case, you will use it already in oil, you will only have to place it on the body, and exfoliate the skin, great benefits will be generated.

Tips for Sesame – use and healing properties of sesame

  1. If you have any part of the body that is dehydrated, or parched, you can massage it with sesame oil, doing this as a routine, it will help restore the skin, and it will help to strengthen it.
  2. The consumption of sesame in your meals, even benefits for your brain can bring you, so do not stop using it, it is extremely healthy, and the nutritional composition that they possess, will be very useful in your body.
  3. If you have noticed the presence of scabs on your scalp, or simply dryness of this, sesame oil in this case can also help you, you should only apply it at least 2 times a week, directly on the hair, massaging, or even placing it as a complement in your conventional shampoo, every time you wash your hair, you will be contributing to restore the scalp.
  4. If you arrive constantly exhausted from your work and have muscle pains that bother you and do not let you rest, perform massages with sesame oil, it acts as an anti-inflammatory, so it can be very beneficial in these cases, do it repeatedly in the most affected area, so that faster results can be obtained.
  5. As you may have noticed, sesame is very beneficial, that is why we must consume it, but, taking precautions, because although it is not harmful, quite the opposite, there are cases in which it can harm you, for example if you are allergic to it, That’s why before using it, confirm that you are not allergic.


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