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How to Cut Aloe Vera Leaves

Aloe Vera is a plant with multiple benefits, so it is not surprising that those who have the opportunity want to cut its leaves. Aloe Vera...

How to Plant Tomatoes in a Pot

In the world of tomatoes there has always been controversy in categorizing it. It is not very clear if it is a fruit, a vegetable...

What Is the Meaning of Violet Roses?

Among the wide variety of roses, violet roses are emerging as one of the favorite flowers to balance environments because they convey the language of love...

Poinsettia: How to Care for a Poinsettia

In our gardening articles, today we will talk about how to take care of a poinsettia;  follow these steps that we will detail for you,...

How to Decorate Gardens

Many people confess that they are in love with vegetation. Living in it makes them feel better and project their life in a more comfortable...

Bonsai. How to Care For and Make a Bonsai

Bonsai has become an art of great attraction, since it consists of the creation of small bushes, or in short, dwarfs bushes, preventing their growth through...

How and When To Transplant Cacti

Cacti are beautiful plants and are part of a very interesting botanical group; they evolved in America and have been developing extraordinary adaptations to withstand the...

How to Care For Camellias

Flowers give a lot of life to a home, a terrace, a balcony or a garden. And it is that flowers in general are a type of...