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Types of Trees

Do you know that there are more than 200,000 varieties of plants in the world? Did you know that trees are considered the lungs of...

Mangoes – How and When To Plant Mangoes

Tropical fruits are one of the great contributions of the American continent to Europe. Among them, the mango stands out, a piece of fruit that...

How to Decorate Gardens

Many people confess that they are in love with vegetation. Living in it makes them feel better and project their life in a more comfortable...

Lilies Of The Valley: How They Are, Care and Cultivation

Lilies are one of the most beautiful plants, and there are about 110 different species, although in general they have some similar characteristics. This specific...

How to Plow the Land

Soil land must be plowed when farming is intended on it; this simple practice was undoubtedly a great contributor to agriculture and even human civilization. When...

Sesame – How to Use and Healing Properties of Sesame

Sesame is well known, especially in culinary development, from this seed oil can be obtained, in addition, how many of us have not eaten...

How to Grow Cacti

For plant lovers, they are all really beautiful, and sometimes having an ideal garden consists of having at least one specimen of each type...

How to Care For Tropical Flowers

The so-called tropical plants, as their name indicates, are native to the tropics, therefore many times these plants will need much more exhaustive care...