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How to Plant Sweet Potato

The sweet potato is cultivated in many parts of the world, it has a root that is tuberous and is edible, which provides a...

How Seeds Germinate

Gardening is a hobby that brings great satisfaction, seeing so many beautiful flowers grows plants that decorate and delight the eye, trees that little by little...

How to Take Care of the Money Plant

Taking care of the money plant will allow you to have one of the best plants in the world in your house in a very economical...

What Is the Meaning of Champagne Roses?

There are many colors and shades of roses, but champagne roses are always the most elegant option for all types of decoration. Roses are the most...

Pothos: How to Take Care of It

The pathos or also, called pathos, are plants that we commonly find inside houses, offices, shopping centers, etc.; it is a nice decoration element; its...

Cactus: How to Care for a Cactus

I love cacti. Since I was little I have had a true passion for this type of plants. They are easy to maintain, pretty, plump, spiked...

How to Make a Bonsai

Bonsai is a Japanese artistic discipline that consists of recreating an image of nature in minimum size. It is not about a particular tree, as is commonly...

Graft Types

If you yourself want to be able to carry out multiple formations and variants in your fruit trees, in your plants, bushes, etc. You just...