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Tag: Ficus Benjamina

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How to Create a Minimalist Garden

Minimalism was born as an artistic trend that expresses itself through reducing the elements of a composition to the most basic and elementary, eliminating...

What Are the Products of Photosynthesis?

One of the greatest phenomena of nature is photosynthesis, a fascinating phenomenon, since it tells us that a plant is capable of feeding itself using...

Cherry Blossoms: How to Care for Cherry Blossoms

If you want to know how to take care of cherry blossoms, continue reading the article that dotcoms brings to you; this tree in Japanese is...

Cactus: How to Care for a Cactus

I love cacti. Since I was little I have had a true passion for this type of plants. They are easy to maintain, pretty, plump, spiked...

How to Take Care of the Money Plant

Taking care of the money plant will allow you to have one of the best plants in the world in your house in a very economical...

Petechiae – How To Treat And Care For Petechiae?

Sometimes some people discover some tiny red spots not bigger than a pinhead on their skin, which are not painful or itchy and in fact do...

Freesias: How to Care for Freesias

The freesia, hybrid or freesia, is a tuberculosis plant that has its origin in South Africa, it belongs to the Iridaceous family; there is a great variety and...

Water Lilies: Care and Cultivation

The Water Lily is also called Water Hyacinth, Trauma, Bora, Camelot’s, Agapes, Lampasas and its scientific name is Eichhornia crosses, this is a plant that...