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How to Care For a Hydrangea

Flowers fill every home with color and joy. There is no other natural adornment more beautiful than vegetation and especially flowers. There are hundreds of known species...

How to Grow Cacti

For plant lovers, they are all really beautiful, and sometimes having an ideal garden consists of having at least one specimen of each type...

How and When To Sow Grass

It is very nice a garden with a landscaped area and lawn. We see large green gardens, with a beautiful lawn… and yes, it...

How and When To Plant Green Beans

The bean is a plant belonging to legumes, widely consumed in cuisine around the world.  These plants can be presented in two ways: those...

How and When To Plant Carrots

The carrot is the root of the plant, edible, tasty and very good for a healthy diet as it is a source of vitamin...

How to Decorate a Garden

The question how to decorate the garden? It invades you constantly, especially when you look at that simple but full of potential space that you have at...

How to Decorate Gardens

Many people confess that they are in love with vegetation. Living in it makes them feel better and project their life in a more comfortable...

How to Design a Garden

A great way to take advantage of the space outside your home and to entertain your time is to design a garden. You will have...