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Tag: Geraniums

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How and When To Plant Garlic

Garlic is a crop that generates a large amount of work; labor, since its global consumption is very large. Not only in the kitchen of the...

How to Plant Ivy

If we are going to talk about a plant that is versatile in the world and has a good and popular coverage, that is...

Types of Flowers

I love the flowers! Its variety, its colors, its aroma. I like both those that bloom at specific times and those that bloom throughout the year. Flowers...

How to Plant Bulbs

For many people gardening is not the most desired hobby, and for others it is. Surely you have heard that “I have no hand for...

What Is the Meaning of Salmon Roses?

Roses are synonymous with delicacy and femininity, especially if their color is soft like that of salmon roses. Salmon roses are one of the species of...

How to Make a Wildflower Garden

It is said that in North America alone there are more than twenty thousand species of wild flowers, these are the ones that have...

When and How To Prune A Vine

The Vine is a climbing plant, with crooked trunks and thick bark, which if allowed to grow freely can reach up to 30 meters. If...

How to Take Care of Plants

Having plants at home can be something that can give a lot of life to your living room, your garden and your bedroom. However, to have a...