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Parts of a Flower

We find them in gardens, painted on pictures, stamping fabrics, as accessories, as decoration; in short, flowers are part of our lives. Some may be...

Water Lilies – Some Interesting Concepts

Water lilies are a genus that makes up perennial plants, along with agapes, cataloes, water hyacinths or bora. These types of floating plants are characteristic...

How to Plant Vines or Climbers

These are ideal plants to decorate your fences and balconies in a simple and natural way, they are very varied plants, and for others...

How to Plant Garlic

Planting garlic can be something very simple and you can do it at home even if you don't have large spaces; if you want to...

How to Have Beautiful Cacti

Cacti are not sad plants as seen in certain western movies that take place in the desert, cacti are beautiful plants that have a...

How and When To Plant Beans

When it is decided to plant a small orchard or it is not very clear what legumes, vegetables, etc. Planting, you have to think of things that are...

How and When To Plant Green Beans

The bean is a plant belonging to legumes, widely consumed in cuisine around the world.  These plants can be presented in two ways: those...

How to Dry Flowers

Sometimes when it is an occasion in which someone special has given us a bouquet of flowers, it is common for us to want...