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How to Grow Basil At Home

Basil has a unique flavor that gives an extraordinary touch to meals, especially when it comes to pasta, it is also super aromatic, but...

Bougainvillea – Care, Colors, Cultivation and Pests of Bougainvillea

What is bougainvillea? Without a doubt, if you have ever traveled to the coastal areas of Murcia or Alicante, you will have seen this plant...

Petechiae – How To Treat And Care For Petechiae?

Sometimes some people discover some tiny red spots not bigger than a pinhead on their skin, which are not painful or itchy and in fact do...

How to Plant Mint

Surely you have used mint throughout your life on many occasions. Probably for stews, to give your desserts a more chic touch, to drink...

How and When To Plant Potatoes

The potato, so called depending on the place, is the fourth most widely used food crop. Planting potatoes is simple, although preparation takes time and...

How to Plant Bulbs

For many people gardening is not the most desired hobby, and for others it is. Surely you have heard that “I have no hand for...

How to Care For an Azalea

The azalea or rhododendron nudiflorum or rhododendron tsutsusi is an evergreen and deciduous shrub in the ericaceous family. There are thousands of hybrid varieties of this plant, created by humans to...

How to Make Indoor Plants Look Gorgeous

Discover what care and maintenance indoor plants need to be healthy, strong, bright and beautiful. Indoor plants are those that develop and grow in closed environments, although...