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Gerberas: How to Care for a Gerbera

One of the most beautiful flowers and, at the same time, less known and more undervalued, are the so-called gerberas, flowers that can make...

How to Harvest Fennel Seeds

If you have had a good harvest of fennel this year and want to save the seeds from the stalk for planting next time for new...

How to Fix a Garden

You can fix a garden easily and cheaply if you know how to do it. Having the garden of your dreams is easier than you...

How and When To Plant Rosemary

Rosemary is one of the best known and most used plants both culinary, gardening, perfumery and even medicinal. It has multiple benefits and uses. Rosemary is not...

White Roses – What Is the Meaning of White Roses

Who doesn't like roses? We all like roses, but we don't always know enough behind them, like what is the meaning of white roses or...

Water Lilies, What They Are Like and How to Care For Them

If you have a garden at home, but you want to give it a distinctive touch, you should get a water lily, a beautiful...

How to Care For an Azalea

The azalea or rhododendron nudiflorum or rhododendron tsutsusi is an evergreen and deciduous shrub in the ericaceous family. There are thousands of hybrid varieties of this plant, created by humans to...

How to Graft a Lemon Tree

Lemons are one of the most consumed fruits, which are most used in the kitchen and are very useful for many dishes and drinks. For this reason,...