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Petunias: How to Care for a Petunia

Having a well-kept and decorated garden or balcony brings a lot of joy to any house.  Having flowers and plants that you can keep well...

How to Plant Pineapple

Few fruits are as popular among children, young people and adults for their freshness, sweetness and versatility as pineapple. This fruit, in addition to...

How to Prepare Natural Compost

Natural fertilizer is that product resulting from the fermentation and/or decomposition of non-animal waste organic material. This is generally used to fertilize plants. Natural fertilizer can be an option or a...

How to Plant Pistachios

The pistachio tree is small and the fruits it produces are widely used in cooking. There is a great variety, but some are more commercial...

How and When To Plant Potatoes

The potato, so called depending on the place, is the fourth most widely used food crop. Planting potatoes is simple, although preparation takes time and...

How to Decorate a Garden

The question how to decorate the garden? It invades you constantly, especially when you look at that simple but full of potential space that you have at...

How to Take Care of the Money Plant

Taking care of the money plant will allow you to have one of the best plants in the world in your house in a very economical...

How to Grow Basil At Home

Basil has a unique flavor that gives an extraordinary touch to meals, especially when it comes to pasta, it is also super aromatic, but...