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Japanese Garden: How to Make a Japanese Garden

If there is a typical image of nature in Japan, it is that of a garden with many cherry trees full of white flowers, in which...

How to Fix a Garden

You can fix a garden easily and cheaply if you know how to do it. Having the garden of your dreams is easier than you...

How and When To Plant Carrots

The carrot is the root of the plant, edible, tasty and very good for a healthy diet as it is a source of vitamin...

How to Take Care of the Poinsettia or Christmas Plant

How to take care of the Poinsettia or Christmas Plant? This concern seems useful and valid only at a certain time of the year, although we...

How and When To Graft Grass

When you have a garden with grass and suddenly it starts to dry up or breaks down or you don't have grass, but you...

How to Care For an African violet

The African violet is a small plant that stands out for its color and is very easy to care for. It is also known as...

How to Grow Copied At Home

The copier is a flower with a strange name, but we all instantly recognize it if we see it planted in a garden, since it...

How to Plant an Avocado

Avocado is one of the best foods there is, it is a great antioxidant, it contains a large amount of vitamin E and D,...