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Parts of a Flower

We find them in gardens, painted on pictures, stamping fabrics, as accessories, as decoration; in short, flowers are part of our lives. Some may be...

How to Care For Blue Hydrangeas

Blue hydrangeas are one of the most valued flowers that we can have at home, but unfortunately, not many people know how to take care of...

Freesias: How to Care for Freesias

The freesia, hybrid or freesia, is a tuberculosis plant that has its origin in South Africa, it belongs to the Iridaceous family; there is a great variety and...

Petechiae – How To Treat And Care For Petechiae?

Sometimes some people discover some tiny red spots not bigger than a pinhead on their skin, which are not painful or itchy and in fact do...

How to Care For Petunias

A petunia is a small plant that has recently become very popular as a plant to put on the terraces and gardens of all homes...

How to Plant Parsley At Home

Little by little as consumers we are becoming more and more aware of the origin of the food products that we acquire. Organic crops...

How and When To Plant Tomatoes

The tomato is a very simple fruit to grow and maintain in your small garden. It has many vitamins, so planting and growing tomatoes for your own consumption...

What Are the Properties of Fennel?

Fennel is a unique species in its genus (Foeniculum); knowing what the properties of fennel are will help you include this herb in your diet properly. In this...