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Water Lilies: Care and Cultivation

The Water Lily is also called Water Hyacinth, Trauma, Bora, Camelot’s, Agapes, Lampasas and its scientific name is Eichhornia crosses, this is a plant that...

How to Plant Garlic

Planting garlic can be something very simple and you can do it at home even if you don't have large spaces; if you want to...

How to Take Care of a Pothos

The photo is a common plant that almost everyone who likes plants has had in their home at some point. Its leaves are bright green...

Cherry Blossoms: How to Care for Cherry Blossoms

If you want to know how to take care of cherry blossoms, continue reading the article that dotcoms brings to you; this tree in Japanese is...

Types of Trees

Do you know that there are more than 200,000 varieties of plants in the world? Did you know that trees are considered the lungs of...

Daffodils: How to Care for a Daffodil

One of the most attractive flowers that exist is daffodils, flowers that have managed to captivate millions of people thanks to their beautiful slightly yellowish colors. These...

How to Make Indoor Plants Look Gorgeous

Discover what care and maintenance indoor plants need to be healthy, strong, bright and beautiful. Indoor plants are those that develop and grow in closed environments, although...

When and How To Prune A Vine

The Vine is a climbing plant, with crooked trunks and thick bark, which if allowed to grow freely can reach up to 30 meters. If...