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How to Take Care of Bamboo

Despite the fact that the origin of the best-known Bamboo dates back to the Asian continent, this plant with a very particular structure spreads...

How to Grow Bamboo

Growing bamboo has become an activity in great demand in today's society. The planting of this herb has multiple purposes because it also presents various species...

Lilies – How to Care For and Plant Them

Taking care of lilies is a very good way to have one of the best plants in the world in your garden, with great aesthetics guaranteed...

How to Plant Tomatoes in a Pot

In the world of tomatoes there has always been controversy in categorizing it. It is not very clear if it is a fruit, a vegetable...

How to Plant Mint

Surely you have used mint throughout your life on many occasions. Probably for stews, to give your desserts a more chic touch, to drink...

Types of Trees

Do you know that there are more than 200,000 varieties of plants in the world? Did you know that trees are considered the lungs of...

How to Make Flower Arrangements

Floral arrangements are a fundamental part of decoration, both in the home and in other spaces, such as offices, meeting rooms, conference venues, restaurants, wedding or funeral...

Violets: How to Care for Violets

One of our favorite plants of all time are violets, since they are a type of flower that can be taken care of in a...