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How to Plant Onions

The onion is one of those essential tubers in the kitchen. You can also grow it yourself if you have land, a pot or a...

How Is Drip Irrigation

One of the best known irrigation systems in the world is known as drip irrigation. This irrigation system is today one of the most widely...

How Is the Giant Bamboo?

Bamboo is a shrub or grass that belongs to the grass family and its importance for the conservation of humanity is more vital than many know. The most popular...

How to Plant Tomatoes in a Pot

In the world of tomatoes there has always been controversy in categorizing it. It is not very clear if it is a fruit, a vegetable...

Lilies – How to Care For and Plant Them

Taking care of lilies is a very good way to have one of the best plants in the world in your garden, with great aesthetics guaranteed...

How to Dry Flowers

Sometimes when it is an occasion in which someone special has given us a bouquet of flowers, it is common for us to want...

How to Grow Copied At Home

The copier is a flower with a strange name, but we all instantly recognize it if we see it planted in a garden, since it...

How to Design a Garden

A great way to take advantage of the space outside your home and to entertain your time is to design a garden. You will have...