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Japanese Garden: How to Make a Japanese Garden

If there is a typical image of nature in Japan, it is that of a garden with many cherry trees full of white flowers, in which...

Petunias: How to Care for a Petunia

Having a well-kept and decorated garden or balcony brings a lot of joy to any house.  Having flowers and plants that you can keep well...

Bonsai. How to Care For and Make a Bonsai

Bonsai has become an art of great attraction, since it consists of the creation of small bushes, or in short, dwarfs bushes, preventing their growth through...

Jasmines: How to Care for a Jasmine

There is a flower, apart from the rose, that represents the maximum when it comes to floral fragrances, so its essence is one of the most...

What Is the Meaning of Purple Roses?

Purple roses are used on certain occasions to express a deep feeling of respect and understanding; many use these bouquets of flowers as religious offerings, as a sign of support...

How to Create a Minimalist Garden

Minimalism was born as an artistic trend that expresses itself through reducing the elements of a composition to the most basic and elementary, eliminating...

Chrysanthemums: How to Care for a Chrysanthemum

The chrysanthemum is a very colorful and bright flower that decorates very well any type of environment, whether it is inside houses or in parks and...

How to Make a Chicken Coop

A chicken coop is a perfectly enabled place for chickens to live, which can be raised to lay eggs and enjoy them in a respectful...