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Violets: How to Care for Violets

One of our favorite plants of all time are violets, since they are a type of flower that can be taken care of in a...

How to Harvest Fennel Seeds

If you have had a good harvest of fennel this year and want to save the seeds from the stalk for planting next time for new...

How to Plant Geraniums

Geraniums are perfect plants to decorate our balconies or terraces as they withstand high temperatures very well and are very easy to care for. In addition, the...

How to Care For and Grow China Roses

Chinese roses, hibiscus or kissing flower, are ancient roses, used in the art of tea infusions; however, the uses of these delicate flowers are not only concentrated...

Carnations: How to Care for Carnations

Carnations are one of the most widespread floral species in Spain, and become an  emblematic flower in all kinds of popular or religious festivals, such...

How to Control Herbicides (Glyphosate)

Herbicides have in glyphosate, which is the base element, their most unconditional ally to control the appearance of unwanted weeds in crop areas, parks, gardens,...

How to Plant Tomatoes in a Pot

In the world of tomatoes there has always been controversy in categorizing it. It is not very clear if it is a fruit, a vegetable...

How and When To Plant Rosemary

Rosemary is one of the best known and most used plants both culinary, gardening, perfumery and even medicinal. It has multiple benefits and uses. Rosemary is not...