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What Is the Meaning of Salmon Roses?

Roses are synonymous with delicacy and femininity, especially if their color is soft like that of salmon roses. Salmon roses are one of the species of...

How to Plant Bulbs in Pots.

If you want to have some potted plants and colorful flowers, and be the envy of your neighbors and friends; you just have to read...

When and How To Prune A Vine

The Vine is a climbing plant, with crooked trunks and thick bark, which if allowed to grow freely can reach up to 30 meters. If...

How and When To Prune A Fig Tree

Figs are one of the richest fruits you can find on the market. Its sweet taste drives more than one crazy. However, so does its price. Despite...

How to Care For Camellias

Flowers give a lot of life to a home, a terrace, a balcony or a garden. And it is that flowers in general are a type of...

How to Plant Tomatoes in a Pot

In the world of tomatoes there has always been controversy in categorizing it. It is not very clear if it is a fruit, a vegetable...

Violets: How to Care for Violets

One of our favorite plants of all time are violets, since they are a type of flower that can be taken care of in a...

How to Transplant a Plant At Home

Many times we need to transplant the plants so that they maintain their healthy life; For example, it is likely that you have a plant...