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How and When To Plant Pumpkins

Having our own garden to eat the best vegetables and fruits is ideal to ensure that we are eating healthy and natural food, without...

What Is the Meaning of Blue Roses?

Flowers always have a special meaning, when women receive flowers we feel flattered and if they are roses even more so. Flowers convey a message of love;...

How to Graft Roses

Roses are beautiful flowers and there are countless types of different rose bushes. Some have huge and precious leaves, others are multicolored, there are variegated, very...

How to Take Care of Plants

Having plants at home can be something that can give a lot of life to your living room, your garden and your bedroom. However, to have a...

Chrysanthemums: How to Care for a Chrysanthemum

The chrysanthemum is a very colorful and bright flower that decorates very well any type of environment, whether it is inside houses or in parks and...

How and When To Plant Green Beans

The bean is a plant belonging to legumes, widely consumed in cuisine around the world.  These plants can be presented in two ways: those...

What Are the Branches of Botany?

You already know that botany is a separate branch of science that studies plants in depth, in addition to the structure they have and the medicinal...

Sesame – How to Use and Healing Properties of Sesame

Sesame is well known, especially in culinary development, from this seed oil can be obtained, in addition, how many of us have not eaten...