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How to Create a Minimalist Garden

Minimalism was born as an artistic trend that expresses itself through reducing the elements of a composition to the most basic and elementary, eliminating...

White Roses – What Is the Meaning of White Roses

Who doesn't like roses? We all like roses, but we don't always know enough behind them, like what is the meaning of white roses or...

How and When To Graft Grass

When you have a garden with grass and suddenly it starts to dry up or breaks down or you don't have grass, but you...

How to Plant Bulbs

For many people gardening is not the most desired hobby, and for others it is. Surely you have heard that “I have no hand for...

How to Care For Outdoor Plants

Plants give a lot of life to a home, either indoors or outdoors. Having plants in the dining room, in a room or at the entrance, is...

Water Lilies: Care and Cultivation

The Water Lily is also called Water Hyacinth, Trauma, Bora, Camelot’s, Agapes, Lampasas and its scientific name is Eichhornia crosses, this is a plant that...

Sesame – How to Use and Healing Properties of Sesame

Sesame is well known, especially in culinary development, from this seed oil can be obtained, in addition, how many of us have not eaten...

How to Grow Rhododendrons

Rhododendrons are a species of bush-type plants that can reach various sizes from 10 centimeters to 25 meters in height, although the most common...