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How to Plant Peppermint

I love mint: it is a beautiful plant, very aromatic and it is ideal to use when preparing mojitos or some food recipes. And one...

How and When To Plant Garlic

Garlic is a crop that generates a large amount of work; labor, since its global consumption is very large. Not only in the kitchen of the...

How to Plant Bulbs in Pots.

If you want to have some potted plants and colorful flowers, and be the envy of your neighbors and friends; you just have to read...

Pothos: How to Take Care of It

The pathos or also, called pathos, are plants that we commonly find inside houses, offices, shopping centers, etc.; it is a nice decoration element; its...

How to Make a Chicken Coop

A chicken coop is a perfectly enabled place for chickens to live, which can be raised to lay eggs and enjoy them in a respectful...

How to Control Herbicides (Glyphosate)

Herbicides have in glyphosate, which is the base element, their most unconditional ally to control the appearance of unwanted weeds in crop areas, parks, gardens,...

How and When To Graft Grass

When you have a garden with grass and suddenly it starts to dry up or breaks down or you don't have grass, but you...

How to Plant Pineapple

Few fruits are as popular among children, young people and adults for their freshness, sweetness and versatility as pineapple. This fruit, in addition to...