Water Lilies, What They Are Like and How to Care For Them


If you have a garden at home, but you want to give it a distinctive touch, you should get a water lily, a beautiful and unconventional spice, since it is a semi-aquatic plant, which is excellent if you have ponds at home, because with you can decorate these lilies. But ultimately, what are water lilies? They are beautiful, fragrant, colorful, striking in general.  Commonly or in some regions, this flower is also known as calla, this plant is native to South Africa, and its name of water lily, is due to the fact that its development or flowering is more common in ponds or lagoons, its flower is generally white, which is why, in some cultures, it is related to purity.

This plant is very sensitive to cold climates that are why its flowering is common during the summer and the first; these are the ideal seasons for it, while winter brings very few positive things to this plant. Its use in the decoration area is very frequent, not in vain it is one of the most elegant flowers, there are many brides who want this beautiful flower in their flower arrangements, in the same way in many florists great arrangements are made, that on any occasion whoever wants it, can give it away. Receiving a water lily as a gift is something really special, so you already have an option if you want to surprise that loved one, and if he is a gardening lover, this gift will be more functional.

The Water Lily is not only a beautiful and elegant flower, but it is also very practical, since it can be adapted to various planting methods., of course if you know how to provide them with the indicated care, for example, if you like to have it inside your house as an ornament, a suitable pot will suffice, and if, on the contrary, you like to have them in your garden, you can also do it, there is only one thing that in both options you must do, and it is to provide them with the necessary water conditions, remember, it is a water lily, so this element will be very important for her. So there you have it, a different option, beautiful, quite pleasant to decorate your gardens, or the interior of your home, you just have to learn how to take care of lilies, that’s why I’m going to give you some very practical instructions and advice, you just have to implement them and you will see that they will be very easy and useful, and in your garden or house, you will be able to enjoy beautiful water lilies at all times.


  1. Perhaps the name of the flower, you are assuming that they should always be submerged in water, but this is not true, planted in a pot or ground, these can easily be given, only that the irrigation factor must be very careful, never You must leave these plants without a sufficiently moist soil, so, always keep this in mind, make sure that the soil is ideal, a permeable soil is indicated, so that it has greater moisture retention, in this way , the irrigation periods can be more distant, only occasionally you should watch it, so avoid those extremely dry lands, or a barren soil, because for your lilies, this will do them no good. But you must also be careful that the water does not accumulate for too long, because it will be negative, you will only get the roots of the lily to rot, which will ultimately cause its death.
  2. Organic fertilizers are very necessary, remember that a well-fertilized soil will provide the plants with excellent nutrients, so do not forget to always keep the land of your lilies fertilized, so that healthy and beautiful lilies can be displayed at all times.
  3. Previously I mentioned that the lily is not adaptable to any climate, that is why sometimes it is more feasible to have them in a pot, so that in harsh climates we can protect them, however, if the climate is benign, easily in your gardens You can place them, but it is a factor that you should always be aware of, because once the lily is planted in a field, it will be exposed to everything related to the climate. However, when the weather becomes very cold, you can cover the lily with straw or the leaves of other plants that provide heat, this is an alternative that you can try, so that your lilies are not completely affected by sudden frosts, you just have to take the forecasts in time.
  4. Solar radiation, something that we must also take into account, if it is excessive, we must provide a greater irrigation to the water lily, due to the evaporation factor that will influence the land, but before planting it in your garden, take into account the areas that are more affected by sunlight, the lily needs radiation, yes, but not being completely exposed to it for a long time, because it can harm it.
  5. It is recommended to prune the lily periodically, due to two fundamental factors, first, when it is very dense, it prevents lighting from reaching its stem, which will prevent it from being completely healthy, on the other hand, the leaves are always necessary withered of a plant take care, not only for aesthetics, but also for its health, since these fungi can be protected, and if they remain on the plant, they can spread faster, so avoid this, Prune your plants on time, a better appearance and better life will give them. The same happens with the flowers that are withered, if you don’t cut them, with a suitable tool, the plant’s nutrients will be directed towards them, reducing the contribution of these to the new leaves and flowers, which may be very necessary.
  6. You must be attentive to the color of the leaves, when they are stained, they are a reflection that the plant has some disease, or in general, that they have some pest, the use of fungicides is not recommended, because sometimes more than favoring the flower, It can harm it, so in these cases, cut the affected leaves, so that the spread of the pest will stop in time.

What do you need:

  • Floors
  • Material


  1. When we decide to have the plants in pots, we must consider some risks, one of them is how much the pot allows the water to flow, and to what extent it will keep it stagnant, it is very important to be aware of these, because if the water stagnates, the roots of the lily will rot, that is why we must monitor the humidity of the soil that we have used, in order to be able to water it on time, or on the contrary, stop it, when the lily has enough water.
  2. For irrigation you must also take into account the season in which you are, since some demand more water than others, for example, during the summer, it must be more abundant, since it is in the process of flowering, during the autumn you can reduce the irrigation that is the most recommended.
  3. If you want to multiply the lilies, the most suitable season is during the summer, never do it during the winter, and the way to do it is by sowing the seeds, which is perhaps a little slower, or by dividing the same plant, many people choose this way, because they consider that it is easier and better results will be obtained, but the choice is up to you.
  4. If you live in icy areas, you can plant lilies, only if you do it in pots, and submerge them in constant water, it is the only way for them to survive such harsh climates, sometimes that is precisely why it is more advisable to keep them in inside the home, but you decide, even in a greenhouse you can have them with complete peace of mind, because in these places the climate will not affect it.
  5. When lily plants are grown in pots indoors, and have little exposure to light, their flowering will be very little, on the other hand, their leaves will expand the most, however, this apparently seems to help their life be longer.
  6. As it is a very humid plant, it is likely that some snails will attract, so I insist that you should not neglect them, as I told you before, if you want to enjoy beautiful and healthy lilies, you must take special care, if you see snails, or even pests such as aphids, you must remove them in time, before they cause any damage, preferably by hand, so as not to cause any harm to the lily.
  7. In order to achieve the growth of stronger stems, many recommend cutting their shoots during the flowering season, to increase their healthy development and subsequent flowering.
  8. Having healthy lilies will seem exhausting to you, due to all the recommendations and instructions that I have given you, but in short it is very simple, irrigation, fertilizer, adequate light, pruning it on time, are the necessary elements to obtain them.


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