What Are the Branches of Botany?


You already know that botany is a separate branch of science that studies plants in depth, in addition to the structure they have and the medicinal properties they give humans to cure any disease or illness they have.

Apart from beautifying the planet, plants also have the function of feeding, healing, offering infusions as well as being the lung through which the earth has enough oxygen so that all people can live happily on it.

In addition to all this, they can be decorative , offering to adorn the homes of those who grow them with different colors, beautiful flowers and of course they offer the possibility of a unique, different garden with the green that everyone wants for their home.

In the decoration, plants are used that can be the best incentive since just having them gives both an exterior and interior environment a different style with all nature available at our feet to use it in a specific way in each of the environments in which it is found. Place.

What do you need:

  • Botany studies plants and is divided into different branches.
  • Each branch of botany has a specific study of the parts of a plant.
  • Botany also studies living beings that live in plants.
  • Plants are those that are divided into lichen, fungi or mushrooms, moss, ferns as well as flowering and medicinal plants.
  • There is a wide variety of plant species labeled by botany.
  • Botany evaluates how a plant develops in the environment that surrounds it, depending on factors such as soil, climate and vegetation.
  • Botany is constantly searching for new species to be catalogued, labeled to verify if they are accessible to people.
  • People who study plants are often called botanists.
  • Botany performs different experiments on a plant in order to verify whether or not it can be consumed by humans.


As you already know, plants mean life and joy in your home, and the environment where you place them will change in a feasible way because it offers a whole different color through the flowers, as well as the characteristic green of the medicinal ones.

It is important to highlight that plants are people’s best allies because they can offer a variety of uses for foodhealing , but for this it is important to keep in mind what types of plants we can have in our homes.

In addition, botany presents different branches that demonstrate the possibility of dedicating oneself to studying each part according to the needs that are had, for this reason it is important to know each one of them separately to know what each one is dedicated to separately.

On the branches of botany

  1. Photochemistry. It is the branch of botany that is dedicated to studying the composition of the plant to derive the function or the chemical element that can be extracted from it for the benefit of making products that people can use without having negative or contrary effects. Plants produce a substance that they can use to defend themselves against other creatures such as insects or other organisms that want to attack them and that is why photochemistry takes advantage of that substance to be able to give people natural products for consumption.
  2. Cell Biology. Another important branch of botany is cell biology, which is responsible for studying the internal part of the plant, that is, its cellular structure, being able to understand what type of cells the plant has or possesses for the benefit of the human consumer. In addition to this, it also gives the possibility of giving answers about the life cycle that plants have in order to be able to suppose how to help them at the very moment that they are dying, since many plants have become extinct over time.
  3. Histology. It has the possibility of studying the smallest and most minuscule part of a plant, from the stem to the root, giving viable and feasible answers in terms of the tissue and the layers that cover the entire natural set of them, in addition to the fact that this branch also includes the animal world. The specimens are observed under a microscope; in order to define their smallest structure and that there is no information that can escape, being able to provide relevant information on the structure of all types of plants without exception.
  4. Phytopathology. It is the branch of botany that is responsible for studying the diseases that are produced in plants, which cause them to die or even become extinct as a result of external agents such as insects, chemical elements or any other source of disease. There are many causes that can make a plant sick and die, but the most common diseases are caused by bacteria and viruses that, just like humans, affect them seriously, causing strong symptoms with the total death of the root.
  5. Phytogeography. It is the branch of botany that also belongs to geography, of great importance since it labels the plants and determines which region they come from, as well as their importance on the surface of the earth and the contribution they offer to human beings.
  6. Geobotany. This part of botany studies the defense capacity, existence and condition that a plant possesses to cling to life in any environment on the planet, including its adaptation process within the soil and the environment that surrounds the specimen under study. To find out all the data related to this entire process, different methods and tools are carried out that go beyond field research, offering tangible data that help in the process of classifying and studying a simple plant.
  7. Pale botany. It is the branch of botany that investigates searchesrecovers and catalogs all the species of plants that have lived on planet earth and that have become totally extinct, as well as providing relevant information on the existence of many species that are no longer available. This science also tries to reconstruct the evolutionary cycle of an already extinct plant to know and catalog the type of life that develops while it was on the surface of the earth and its influence on the environment that surrounded it.


  • The study of the branches of botany gives you the opportunity to learn about the classification of plants.
  • You can realize that they are divided into algae, fungi and mushrooms, mosses, flowering plants among others.
  • Knowledge of each of the branches offers a greater opportunity to recognize the environment around you.
  • Interaction with the environment can help you save your life with the use of a medicinal plant.
  • It is important to recognize that botany provides us with different relevant information about plants and their structure.
  • Botany helps people so that they can use plants for different uses, including clothing, medicine, materials, among others.


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