What Is Aloe Vera


Aloe Vera, also called pence aloe in many places, is a perennial plant and belongs to the family named Liliaceous. It is a plant that is recognized for having an appreciated medicinal value, among which is quite refreshing effects and cures burns caused by the sun. Continue reading what Aloe Vera is.

This plant is in the form of a bush, it contains a stem that measures thirty centimeters and which is covered by its leaves, each of these can measure fifty centimeters long and eight centimeters wide.

This plant has its origin in Africa, but nowadays it can be easily found anywhere in the world and in fact it is common to find it in houses; many know that the healing qualities of this plant stand out from its ornamental qualities.

In general, we can find this plant next to the coast and sandbanks, at sea level or up to two hundred meters of altitude. There are more than 250 species of aloe and aloe Vera is one of the best known.

Its color is green and it is quite fleshy inside, in addition to containing abundant liquid which is in the form of a yellowish gel, this is the one to which the medicinal powers are attributed, some have been given by the culture of the people and others yes have been documented.

The leaves are serrated on their edge; in addition these teeth are thick and hard reaching 2 millimeters. The inflorescence of this plant can measure 100 centimeters in height.

Previously, the gel was only obtained by cutting the leaves so that the substance would come out in this way, today it can also be found in many presentations, among which we find capsules, tablets, gels and creams. They can be purchased at health food stores or pharmacies.

It has its origin exactly in Arabia and is native to some temperate and subtropical regions in both hemispheres, which also includes the Mediterranean.

It is sometimes grown as a decorative plant, but its medicinal properties are more widely known.

This plant is often cultivated as an ornamental due to its jagged leaves and also because of its inflorescence, but as has been said, it is widely used as a healing plant, because it has several active ingredients that contribute to the treatment of different conditions.

The gel contained in the leaves is usually used on the skin when there are wounds or burns as it is healing, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. On the other hand, the chemical type components that this plant contains can also help to treat colds, stomach upsets and to protect the immune system. In addition to this, aloe has several minerals, among which we find calcium, potassium and phosphorus, as well as vitamins, which is why in some countries they make infusions with it or even use it as food.

The medicinal properties of aloe Vera are well recognized worldwide, as it not only has positive effects on humans, but it can also cure some conditions that animals may suffer from.


  • Alboin, resin and water.
  • Proteins: polysaccharides, enzymes.
  • Vitamins: C, A, B6, B5, B2, B1 and B12.
  • Amino acids.
  • Trace elements: germanium, titanium, magnesium, sulfur, iodine, phosphorus, chromium, silver, copper, zinc, iron, aluminum, sodium, potassium and calcium.
  • Acids: uranic, salicylic, folic.


As we already mentioned, this plant comes from desert and hot places, therefore the crops must be in areas that are at least at a temperature higher than ten degrees Celsius, otherwise the plant can be damaged since it does not tolerate cold and neither the humidity in excess, so it is also important that the climate is dry. It can be planted in either full sun or a little shade.

If aloe Vera is going to be planted in pots (pots), ideally they should be in terracotta (clay), this is because these types of pots are more porous and this will help us avoid excess moisture. In addition, a substrate that is also porous, like the one used for other succulent plants or cacti, will be suitable and should be allowed to dry completely before proceeding to water again.

Once the mother plant is surrounded by suckers, they must be divided in order to ensure that the main plant has good growth and thus avoid infestations of some pests such as cochineal, mites, aphids, etc. among others.

In general, this plant enters a state called dormancy in the winter; therefore irrigation must be suspended, especially if we have it outdoors. If we are in a fairly cold area, it is best to always keep it indoors or also in heated greenhouses.

In itself, this wonderful plant can be grown in gardens and does not require much care, and thus we would be having a free remedy available that would serve us for various conditions.


  • Unlike other plants or chemical products, aloe Vera can be ingested without any problem, so if this gel is applied to animals or children who are the most restless, there will be no problem that the gel comes into contact with the mucous membranes, eyes or mouth.
  • Aloe Vera is not only used to cure complexion problems, it is also possible to prepare quite good sports drinks, since it contains a good energy content, in this way you can avoid resorting to more industrialized products.
  • If you want to have strong and hydrated hair, it can also be applied, which is why many shampoos or hair treatments already contain aloe Vera.


  • It is a fairly powerful antioxidant, so it is good for preventing cancer, especially colon cancer.
  • Relieves both internal and external inflammation.
  • It is also a tonic that is rejuvenating and is widely used, since it moisturizes and also repairs the tissues of our skin.
  • It provides more energy to our cells and is also responsible for oxygenating the blood.
  • Effective in the treatment of different problems related to digestion such as reflux, constipation, irritable bowel, among others.
  • Helps reduce stretch marks on the skin.
  • It is responsible for stimulating blood circulation, thus reducing the risks of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases.
  • It helps triglycerides stabilize and blood pressure is at the correct levels.
  • Tired legs and feet.
  • Relieves sprain, muscle and joint pain
  • Helps with the relief of headache that has been caused by sinusitis.
  • If there is a tooth with pain, we can put a piece of this gel on it or chew it, since it has an analgesic action.
  • Fight vaginal candidiasis.
  • With the gel you can massage the scalp to eliminate dandruff.
  • Its application helps to eliminate hemorrhoids.
  • It can eliminate fungi, among which we find the so-called athlete’s foot.
  • For rheumatism or arthritis it can be applied or ingested.


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