What Is the Meaning of Purple Roses?


Purple roses are used on certain occasions to express a deep feeling of respect and understanding; many use these bouquets of flowers as religious offerings, as a sign of support for someone or as a gesture of love, since their physical characteristics are the first choice for lovers. Giving roses is a beautiful detail that fully expresses that great love that makes the loved one emerges.

For millennia, the different types of roses have been used to express feelings of love, friendship, solidarity, gratitude, congratulations, among others. Its beauty, aroma, delicacy, are qualities of these flowers, spread around the world in hundreds of species and hybridizations.

Roses grow in rosebushes, thorny plants from which these wonderful and exotic  manifestations of nature sprout. Rose bushes are one of the most popular plants worldwide; there are gardens only of roses of different colors.

Their ability to decorate environments and their great commercial use make them the most popular flowers in florists. Due to the variety of roses that can be obtained, each one represents a particular meaning for each occasion and intention, depending on their colors; the bouquets of roses that you plan to give contain a specific message.

Purple is a color with diverse qualities, which move to spirituality and the deepest passion; It means that when giving a bouquet of purple roses, you must be sure of what you want to convey.

Therefore, below, we teach you the meaning and origin of purple roses. Thus, when giving a bouquet of these beautiful flowers, you will know in advance what you want to convey.

Meaning and origin

The origin of roses is ancient, from Asia, Greece and Babylon there are signs of these flowers. Later, in Europe and America, hybrids of these flowers began to appear, giving rise to the great variety of colors that currently exist.

In ancient Rome these purple flowers also appear adorning churches and monasteries. The origin of purple roses is historical; it is known that they were the favorites of ancient and important Egyptian queens.

In fact, purple is a very important and significant color for the Advent season in the Catholic Church. It is a color that expresses spirituality and respect, which is why it is common to get these roses in churches.

On the other hand, purple has been a color used for millennia to express feelings of support towards someone, it is a sober color, which expresses a state of mind of solemnity and even melancholy. Therefore, purple roses tend to convey a certain comforting effect, a feeling that invites you to revive.

Effects, sensations and meanings conveyed by a bouquet of purple roses

  • Calms the most uncontrollable emotions of pain or sadness.
  • A bouquet of purple roses can be the perfect detail to visit a sick friend.
  • On a sensory level, purple roses stabilize harmful feelings that circulate in the environment and cause tension.
  • Due to the strength of their color, purple roses also incite desires just as intense.
  • A bouquet of these flowers to that lover you desire so much, would undoubtedly stimulate the imagination of both.
  • The great vitality and brio of its color stimulate and strengthen other aspects of the human mind.
  • Spiritually, purple roses reinforce the psyche or the unconscious of people.
  • By giving these roses you are transmitting a feeling of support and company.
  • So it is very convenient to give these corsages in funeral acts or in moments of great affliction.


  • To ornament and decorate gardens and all kinds of spaces.
  • In flower arrangements to give on various occasions.
  • Therapeutic uses in consultation rooms, to relax the psyche of patients.
  • To make infusions.
  • For making creams and perfumes.


Thanks to their meaning and great beauty, purple roses are an excellent option if you want to plant flowers at home. It is a rose that you can give away whenever a friend needs your unconditional support or they will simply look very cool decorating your garden and your entire house.

The cultivation of roses can be given in two ways, through seeds or using stems of adult flowers. Growing roses from seed is time consuming and definitely takes more effort, but with patience you can achieve beautiful blooms. However, the technique of planting purple roses using cuttings or adult flower stems is easier and more effective.

The results of growing roses with the technique of stakes are observed more quickly, which is why this technique is more recommended for those amateurs who want to start growing roses; well, planting roses using seeds, in addition to being slow, many times The flower does not germinate even if you have followed all the steps.

Here’s how to plant splendid purple roses using cuttings from mature flowers. By following these simple instructions you can grow your own rosebush of purple roses.

The climate and the stem

  1. The first thing you should take into account is that roses are very capricious plants that require certain climatic conditions.
  2. Rose bushes grow in cool and moderate environments, so shoots would not grow in extreme temperatures.
  3. The average temperature for your rose bushes to grow is between 13 °C and 26 °C.
  4. If you are in hot areas, wait to plant your purple roses until the cooler months.
  5. But although the environment must be below 26 °C; roses need direct sun.
  6. The whim of these plants is that they grow in cold climates but require several hours of sunlight.
  7. When you are sure that the climate of your city is suitable, go to the store for stems to grow.
  8. Ask the seller for a few stems of purple roses that have suckers or buds.
  9. These stems or stakes should be about 12 inches tall.
  10. After you get your rose bushes at home, you can continue to reproduce these plants by taking the shoots that sprout from it.
  11. Notice how the seller cuts the stems of an adult plant.
  12. You will see that it will choose the twigs that have at least one bud about to be born and that it separates the leaves from the stem, leaving only the shoots.
  13. At the top of the stem you must make a diagonal cut.
  14. At the lower end it is advisable to spray with chemicals that stimulate root growth.

The right floor

  1. The land where you decide to plant the purple roses must have enough nutrients.
  2. That diva quality that roses possess is also seen in the soil where you plant them.
  3. Fertilize the soil with a suitable fertilizer for roses.
  4. Make sure the soil is moist and free of weeds.
  5. Where you plant purple roses there should be no other plants nearby that can absorb nutrients from the soil.
  6. If other nearby plants consume the nutrients in the soil, your roses will grow small or even die.
  7. Where you plant your purple roses should receive direct sunlight for several hours a day.

Stem planting

  1. Always remember that roses do not like to share their space.
  2. When you go to plant, make sure you leave enough space between one stem and another.
  3. If the roots of one stem meet the roots of another, it could affect the growth of the roses.
  4. Place the stems in the ground at a 60° angle to the ground surface.
  5. That position benefits root growth.

Watering and maintenance of the plant while it grows

  1. You must keep the stems hydrated during the first months, with a moderate frequency.
  2. If you let the soil dry out during the first flowering period, your stems will die.
  3. When the first leaves have begun to bloom and you can see the small rose shoots, you should reduce the watering.
  4. At this time the plant no longer needs constant watering.
  5. As long as the soil is moist, extend the watering days, but don’t let the soil dry out completely.
  6. The idea is that you don’t drown the soil, but don’t let it dry out either.
  7. You must remove all parts of the plants that are no longer useful.
  8. If there are wilted branches, leaves or flowers, they would affect the part of the plant that is still alive.
  9. Prune whenever you see something dead on your rose bushes, as it will undoubtedly damage the beauty of the rose.

What do you need:

  • That the climate where you are going to plant your purple roses is suitable; temperatures no higher than 26 °C are ideal.
  • A land that receives about eight hours of sunlight daily.
  • Stems or cuttings of adult purple rose plants.
  • Soil fertilizers suitable for roses.
  • Water.
  • Tools to grow roses such as gloves, shovels, pruning shears.
  • Pots (optional).


  • Spring is the ideal time to plant roses.
  • Leave enough space between the stems you plant.
  • When the roses are already blooming, you can replant them in pots if you want to decorate a balcony.
  • To replant you do not need more care, more than what you already had planting the first time.
  • Remember to take care not to mistreat the roots.
  • Dig a deep hole in the soil and transplant soil and everything into a large enough pot.
  • Remember to place them in a place where they receive sun.
  • If you cut the roses to put them in a vase, immediately put them in water, so they will wilt less quickly.
  • If you have taken the delicacy to grow a rose, you will know that you will have to be subtle when pruning them.


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