What Is the Meaning of Violet Roses?


Among the wide variety of roses, violet roses are emerging as one of the favorite flowers to balance environments because they convey the language of love in its different facets, from passionate love to tender brotherly love.

This is how the language how violet roses balance energies in the chakras, as it focuses on a deep feeling of peace and tranquility. The love they express and the need to remain in harmonious states do not disturb the emotional balance; therefore, these flowers are in high demand to decorate spaces and transmit stable emotions, permeating the entire environment with security and harmony.

Speaking a little about violet tones, over time, its meaning has been anchored in a revitalizing sense since violet alludes to a supraterrestrial world, evoking states of deep spirituality and physical and mental balance.

This subtle color is widely used by those who are dedicated to studying human levels beyond the physical. Violet roses are then used to move moods to feelings that cause inner and outer balance, which is why it is common to find bouquets of these flowers in medical offices, relaxation rooms, spas, or places of meditation, since Violets roses activate extrasensory elements that are coupled to produce a state of harmony, necessary in these places.

Meaning and origin of violet roses

Violet roses are the product of hybridizations between Asian roses and European roses; its origin is relatively young, a few centuries ago, compared to its Chinese relatives, which have existed since ancient times.

The meanings of violet roses are wide, but they all revolve around balancelove and peace. Its uses are based on decoration, but there are those who like to wear a violet rose as a peace charm. Also, it is very common to see these flowers decorating a nice headdress or headband, or as lapel flowers on the bride and groom.

Among the meanings that represent violet roses are:

  • They inspire spirituality and inner peace.
  • They provoke a love that borders on fantasy.
  • It propitiates the naive and spring love.
  • They symbolize balance and harmony in a relationship and in other aspects.
  • Calmnessserenity and nobility are qualities that inspire these flowers.
  • All kinds of good wishes and good intentions come out with violet roses.
  • The violet color generates encouraging and serene effects on people.
  • Its effect helps to relax the nerves and feelings.
  • Because of their color they represent the fusion of the feminine with the masculine, represented in blue and red.
  • Spiritually they are recognized as an expression of souls in transition, as they represent the last level before reaching darkness in the rainbow.
  • For some time, in the 1960s, a violet rose was a symbol of homosexuality for Americans, along with the famous “violet hand.”


According to the meaning that these beautiful flowers represent, there are many who are interested in the task of their cultivation. As we have already said, violet roses do not grow spontaneously by nature itself; however, there are other flowers that do naturally bloom purple, such as tulips and the same flowers called violets.

But, although they are not the work of God, man has tried to achieve the beauty of violet roses by creating hybrids, using genuine specimens from nature, botanists and engineers were able to mix various roses to obtain a hybrid of violet roses.

The beauty of these flowers is so magnificent that they became worthy representatives of God’s divine creation; therefore, to grow violet roses from hybridization requires specialized knowledge in botany and gardening.

Mixing two roses of different colors requires a whole process of fertilization, planting, transplanting, care and more; however, there is an easier way to grow these captivating flowers in a less rigorous but just as rewarding process, as the result, if all the steps are followed carefully, will be beautiful, warm violet rose bushes.

Dare to grow your own specimens that you can use to decorate your home and work environments, and fill your spaces with good energy. Here is a practical guide to growing lovely violet roses in your home. Ahead!

Weather and terrain conditions

  1. Before starting any rose crop, make sure the climate and soil meet ideal conditions.
  2. Violet roses need a moderate climate, as they do not tolerate frost or very hot temperatures.
  3. If you are in a cold area, plant your rose bushes after a month and a half after the end of winter.
  4. The ideal is a temperature not lower than 12 degrees Celsius or higher than 30 °C.
  5. Fertilize the soil with organic compost, so that the soil has the necessary nutrients that your roses require.
  6. Moisten the soil a little and stir, so that the organic fertilizer mixes well with the soil.
  7. The place you choose to plant should receive direct sunlight, at least eight hours a day.

Now you must plant!

  1. The first thing you should do is go to a nursery or herbarium and buy purple rose cuttings.
  2. When you have them, you should plant it as soon as possible.
  3. Dig a hole in the ground that you previously prepared for your rose bushes of purple roses.
  4. Insert each cutting into separate holes; make sure the separation is appropriate between everyone.
  5. Then fill in the holes with the soil you remove to plant them.
  6. Press a little with your hands or with a shovel, so that you eliminate the air bubbles.
  7. 60% of the cutting should remain underground.

Watering and maintaining violet roses while they are growing

  1. During the first four weeks, you should water the cutting every day, but without drowning it.
  2. A hydrated plant will grow healthy and beautiful.
  3. After observing the first bloom of violet roses, you can lengthen the watering every two or three days.
  4. However, the irrigation system will depend a lot on the weather; if the days are hot, water daily, but if it’s cold, you can alternate watering every couple of days.
  5. Also, it is necessary that you nourish the earth from time to time with an organic mantle. Once a month until the first flowering is enough.
  6. Prune your rose bushes. Remember that there are branches that grow very thin or leaves that wither.
  7. All the part of the plant that is not needed for its growth must be carefully pruned.

What do you need:

  • A moderate climate, neither too cold nor too hot.
  • That the soil has the necessary nutrients to feed the roses.
  • Violet rose cuttings.
  • Compost or organic fertilizer.
  • Tools for cultivation such as pruning shears, a shovel, gloves.
  • Toilet.
  • Veil or mantilla to cover the flowers of the wind (optional).


How could you notice, the cultivation of violet roses is quite simple, you just have to be careful; In addition, the different uses that can be given to these roses make them a good option to have at home:

  • Remember that roses are capricious flowers and prone to stress, which could harm their normal growth.
  • Create all the necessary conditions so that the violet flowers will not feel invaded or mistreated.
  • Among the most obvious meanings of violet roses is that they transmit peace and tranquility to places and spaces, therefore, harmonize your spaces with them and get the most out of them.
  • Its high power to balance emotions and moods is supported by medical therapists from around the world; therefore, it is convenient to place a floral arrangement of violet roses in a living room or room, a bedroom, an office or an office.
  • If you plant a rose bush with these flowers, do not hesitate to cut some when they are already in their adult stage.
  • Make a nice arrangement and put it next to the bed to keep the energies balanced in the marriage and promote sexuality.
  • A potpourri of violet rose petals with some special objects in a glass vase would be a great detail to harmonize intimate environments.
  • If what you want is to express a seductive image that rises between the sinful and the sacred, forget the traditional red roses and decorate your room with violet raised petals so that you can notice the difference.

On the other hand, the following recommendations are for your violet roses to grow beautiful and healthy:

  • Do not plant your rose bushes with other nearby plants, as these could consume the nutrients of the soil. Just as if you leave the cuttings close together, they will compete with each other for the benefits of the environment.
  • If there is a lot of wind, protect your rosebushes with a blanket, so that the roses or the branches do not break.


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